No One At All

side by side they're beautiful

and yet I let them go

now there's no one at all

make my bed and lie in it

gleefully I will steal covers

from no one at all

everyone knows unrequited

love's the best way to stay alone

watch me chase the bad one

yearning for the worst one

laughing as I end up

with no one at all

Mirror lyrics:

with no one at all

laughing as I end up

yearning for the worst one

watch me chase the bad one

love's the best way to stay alone

everyone knows unrequited

from no one at all

gleefully I will steal covers

make my bed and lie in it

now there's no one at all

and yet I let them go

side by side they're beautiful

Relevant Tags:
NNo OOne AAt AAll o ne t ll oN nOe tA lAl mo kne zt zll mNo kOne zAt zAll Nmo Okne Azt Azll ho 9ne qt qll hNo 9One qAt qAll Nho O9ne Aqt Aqll
jo 0ne st sll jNo 0One sAt sAll Njo O0ne Ast Asll bo lne wt wll bNo lOne wAt wAll Nbo Olne Awt Awll Noo ine xt xll N iOne xAt xAll No Oine Axt Axll
Nk Onne Att Alll Nko Oe A Al Nok Oen At All N9 Ome Af Akl N9o Omne Aft Akll No9 Onme Atf Alkl N0 Ohe A5 Aol N0o Ohne A5t Aoll No0 Onhe At5 Alol
Nl Oje Ah Apl Nlo Ojne Aht Apll

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