Shut Up

You say,
I should do it differently.
I don't,
Necessarily agree.
Stand up!
Sit down!
Be nice!
Did ya hear me ask for your advice?

Don't bother,
Trying to tell me your beliefs.
Your point of veiw is pretty straight to me.
Do this!
Do that!
On track!
Do me a favor and don't talk back!

Round and round,
But the conversation always ends where it began.
Round and round,
And I need a vacation.
My god,
I've had it from you!

Shut up!
Don't want to hear your voice.
Shut up!
I'm sick of all the noise.
There's nothing you can say to me,
So get away from me.
Shut up!

Blah Blah, Blah Blah, Blah Blah, Blah Blah.

That's what,
It sounds like you said to me.
You nag and you brag and I gag,
There's so much beauty in what we have.

You must,
Have better things that you can do.
Or just,
Love all around me too.
What you want,
What I need.
Oh please!
I think you get off,
On hearing yourself speak.

Round and round,
But the conversation always ends where it began.
Round and round,
And I need a vacation.
My god,
I've had it from you!

Shut up!
Don't want to hear your voice.
Shut up!
I'm sick of all the noise.
There's nothing you can say to me,
So get away from me.
Shut up!

Don't want to be polite.
It's messed up,
How you always think you're right.
There's nothing you can say,
That's gonna change the way I am.
Shut up!

Round and round,
But the conversation always ends where it began.
Round and round,
And I need a vacation.
My god,
I've had it from you!

Shut up!
Don't want to hear your voice.
Shut up!
I'm sick of all the noise.
There's nothing you can say to me,
So get away from me.
Shut up!

Don't want to be polite.
It's messed up,
How you always think you're right.
There's nothing you can say,
That's gonna change the way I am.
Shut up!

Mirror lyrics:

Shut up!
That's gonna change the way I am.
There's nothing you can say,
How you always think you're right.
It's messed up,
Don't want to be polite.

Shut up!
So get away from me.
There's nothing you can say to me,
I'm sick of all the noise.
Shut up!
Don't want to hear your voice.
Shut up!

I've had it from you!
My god,
And I need a vacation.
Round and round,
But the conversation always ends where it began.
Round and round,

Shut up!
That's gonna change the way I am.
There's nothing you can say,
How you always think you're right.
It's messed up,
Don't want to be polite.

Shut up!
So get away from me.
There's nothing you can say to me,
I'm sick of all the noise.
Shut up!
Don't want to hear your voice.
Shut up!

I've had it from you!
My god,
And I need a vacation.
Round and round,
But the conversation always ends where it began.
Round and round,

On hearing yourself speak.
I think you get off,
Oh please!
What I need.
What you want,
Love all around me too.
Or just,
Have better things that you can do.
You must,

There's so much beauty in what we have.
You nag and you brag and I gag,
It sounds like you said to me.
That's what,

Blah Blah, Blah Blah, Blah Blah, Blah Blah.

Shut up!
So get away from me.
There's nothing you can say to me,
I'm sick of all the noise.
Shut up!
Don't want to hear your voice.
Shut up!

I've had it from you!
My god,
And I need a vacation.
Round and round,
But the conversation always ends where it began.
Round and round,

Do me a favor and don't talk back!
On track!
Do that!
Do this!
Your point of veiw is pretty straight to me.
Trying to tell me your beliefs.
Don't bother,

Did ya hear me ask for your advice?
Be nice!
Sit down!
Stand up!
Necessarily agree.
I don't,
I should do it differently.
You say,

Relevant Tags:
SShut UUp hut p hSut pU zhut hp zShut hUp Szhut Uhp whut 7p wShut 7Up Swhut U7p dhut kp dShut kUp
Sdhut Ukp ehut ip eShut iUp Sehut Uip xhut 8p xShut 8Up Sxhut U8p ahut jp aShut jUp Sahut Ujp Shhut yp
Sut yUp Suht Uyp Sjut Upp Sjhut U Shjut Up Suut U0 Suhut U0p Shuut Up0 Snut Ul Snhut Ulp Shnut Upl
Sbut Uo Sbhut Uop Shbut Upo Sgut Sghut Shgut Syut Syhut Shyut

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