Let Me Drown

Stretch the bones over my skin
Stretch the skin over my head
I'm going to the holy land
Stretch the marks over my eyes
Burn the candles deep inside
Yeah you know where I'm coming from

Give up to greed, you don't have to feed me
Give up to fate, you don't have to need me
So let it go, let it go, let it go, won't you let it
Drown me in you, drown me in you, drown me in you

Slip down the darkness to the mouth
Damn the water burn the wine
I'm going home for the very last time

So throw it away, you don't have to take me
Make no mistakes I'm what you make me
So let it go, let it go, let it go, won't you let it
Drown me in you, drown me in you, drown me in you

I see you turn around and burning down
The feeling starts to sink
I feel the hurt surround me
Please dissolve me
She's resolved to be

Heal my wounds without a trace
Seal my tomb without my face
I'm going to the lonely place

Give up to greed, you don't have to feed me
Give up to fate, you don't have to need me
So let it go, let it go, let it go, won't you let it
Drown me in you, drown me in you, drown me in you

Mirror lyrics:

Drown me in you, drown me in you, drown me in you
So let it go, let it go, let it go, won't you let it
Give up to fate, you don't have to need me
Give up to greed, you don't have to feed me

I'm going to the lonely place
Seal my tomb without my face
Heal my wounds without a trace

She's resolved to be
Please dissolve me
I feel the hurt surround me
The feeling starts to sink
I see you turn around and burning down

Drown me in you, drown me in you, drown me in you
So let it go, let it go, let it go, won't you let it
Make no mistakes I'm what you make me
So throw it away, you don't have to take me

I'm going home for the very last time
Damn the water burn the wine
Slip down the darkness to the mouth

Drown me in you, drown me in you, drown me in you
So let it go, let it go, let it go, won't you let it
Give up to fate, you don't have to need me
Give up to greed, you don't have to feed me

Yeah you know where I'm coming from
Burn the candles deep inside
Stretch the marks over my eyes
I'm going to the holy land
Stretch the skin over my head
Stretch the bones over my skin

Relevant Tags:
LLet MMe DDrown et e rown eLt eM rDown ket je xrown kLet jMe xDrown Lket Mje Dxrown oet ke erown oLet kMe eDrown Loet Mke Derown
pet ne frown pLet nMe fDrown Lpet Mne Dfrown Leet Mee rrown Lt M rDrown Lte Me Drrown Lst Ms crown Lset Mse cDrown Lest Mes Dcrown
L3t M3 srown L3et M3e sDrown Le3t Me3 Dsrown Lft Mf Lfet Mfe Down Left Mef Dorwn Lrt Mr Ddown Lret Mre Ddrown Lert Mer Drdown
L4t M4 D4own L4et M4e D4rown Le4t Me4 Dr4own Ldt Md Dgown Ldet Mde Dgrown Ledt Med Drgown Lwt Mw Dtown Lwet Mwe Dtrown Lewt Mew Drtown
Lett D5own Le D5rown Let Dr5own Lef Dfown Letf Drfown Le5 Deown Le5t Let5 Dreown Leh Droown
Leht Drwn Leth Drwon Ley Drkwn Leyt Drkown

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