Reruns (daisy Duke)

Hell, spookin' all over me
But the sight of you just
Breaks my heart in
Three - Ways of tellin' you
First you scratch the surface
Then you pull the plug!

If you get low it takes you by the hand
Daisy Duke
Don't you know
Soon it will start again
Daisy Duke

Like a dreamy resonance
The same chase oasis
Quick in a slow way
Can't you see
That I know: You won't come around
To take me away from here


Mirror lyrics:


To take me away from here
That I know: You won't come around
Can't you see
Quick in a slow way
The same chase oasis
Like a dreamy resonance

Daisy Duke
Soon it will start again
Don't you know
Daisy Duke
If you get low it takes you by the hand

Then you pull the plug!
First you scratch the surface
Three - Ways of tellin' you
Breaks my heart in
But the sight of you just
Hell, spookin' all over me

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RReruns ((daisy DDuke) eruns daisy uke) eRruns d(aisy uDke) deruns (ddaisy xuke) dReruns (aisy xDuke) Rderuns (adisy Dxuke)
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teruns (faisy ruke) tReruns (fdaisy rDuke) Rteruns (dfaisy Druke) 5eruns (raisy cuke) 5Reruns (rdaisy cDuke) R5eruns (draisy Dcuke)
feruns (caisy suke) fReruns (cdaisy sDuke) Rferuns (dcaisy Dsuke) eeruns (saisy Duuke) eReruns (sdaisy Dke) Reeruns (dsaisy Dkue)
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Rdruns (daiisy Dyke) (dasy Dyuke) Redruns (dasiy Duyke) Rwruns (dajsy Rweruns (dajisy Due) Rewruns (daijsy Duek)
(da9sy Dule) Reuns (da9isy Dulke) Reurns (dai9sy Dukle) Reduns (dalsy Duoe) (dalisy Duoke) Rerduns (dailsy Dukoe)
Re4uns (daosy Dume) (daoisy Dumke) Rer4uns (daiosy Dukme) Reguns (daksy Duje) Regruns (dakisy Rerguns (daiksy Dukje)
Retuns (da8sy Duie)

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