Beneath The Surface

why do you hit me?
You know I ain't your punchin' bag
Since when do thorns try to hurt the roses?
And why are you always mad?
I'm so innocent, and you're so ignorant
Raise your fist hit or miss
Try to take my happiness
Well that ain't happenin' to me no more

Cause I, I, I found a loving father
And I, I, I'm gonna fly away
To a place where I can smile and cry
Cause I know I'm gonna make it today yeah
Said I know I'm gonna make it today

I woke up this mornin'
As I wiped the sleep from my eyes
Got a real good feelin' yeah
For the first time I had no reason to cry
So I said my Father Lord thanks for the changin'
my life
Lord thanks for holdin' me showing what real
love is like
Cause you're so true to me
So I try to be true to you
You love me when no one even cared for me

So I can face the rain and smile again

Cause I, I, I found a loving father
And I, I, I'm gonna fly away
To a place where I can smile and cry
Cause I know I'm gonna make it today yeah
Said I know I'm gonna make it today

What's the bottle for, and why are you so mad?
I thought that mama said you're supposed to
be our loving dad
But alcohol done took control of your life
Now you do the same and try to take control
of your wife and kids
So I'm gon' speak for all the quiet and scared
to afraid to stand cause they can't face their fears
Take a look in the mirror, MJ says change
your ways to see clearer
God says there's always a way out
Ain't no temptation that ain't played out
Since the beginnin' of time Satan's been
roamin' the earth
Trying to tempt the weak willed to hate and hurt
And since sins birth,
I know you're lives been hard You need to stop beating us
and start beating your problems
So today is when we stop the hurt
Get up its 10 o' clock yo we're goin' to church

Mirror lyrics:

Get up its 10 o' clock yo we're goin' to church
So today is when we stop the hurt
and start beating your problems
I know you're lives been hard You need to stop beating us
And since sins birth,
Trying to tempt the weak willed to hate and hurt
roamin' the earth
Since the beginnin' of time Satan's been
Ain't no temptation that ain't played out
God says there's always a way out
your ways to see clearer
Take a look in the mirror, MJ says change
to afraid to stand cause they can't face their fears
So I'm gon' speak for all the quiet and scared
of your wife and kids
Now you do the same and try to take control
But alcohol done took control of your life
be our loving dad
I thought that mama said you're supposed to
What's the bottle for, and why are you so mad?

Said I know I'm gonna make it today
Cause I know I'm gonna make it today yeah
To a place where I can smile and cry
And I, I, I'm gonna fly away
Cause I, I, I found a loving father

So I can face the rain and smile again

You love me when no one even cared for me
So I try to be true to you
Cause you're so true to me
love is like
Lord thanks for holdin' me showing what real
my life
So I said my Father Lord thanks for the changin'
For the first time I had no reason to cry
Got a real good feelin' yeah
As I wiped the sleep from my eyes
I woke up this mornin'

Said I know I'm gonna make it today
Cause I know I'm gonna make it today yeah
To a place where I can smile and cry
And I, I, I'm gonna fly away
Cause I, I, I found a loving father

Well that ain't happenin' to me no more
Try to take my happiness
Raise your fist hit or miss
I'm so innocent, and you're so ignorant
And why are you always mad?
Since when do thorns try to hurt the roses?
You know I ain't your punchin' bag
why do you hit me?

Relevant Tags:
BBeneath TThe SSurface eneath he urface eBneath hTe uSrface veneath fhe zurface vBeneath fThe zSurface Bveneath Tfhe Szurface
geneath 5he wurface gBeneath 5The wSurface Bgeneath T5he Swurface neneath hhe durface nBeneath hThe dSurface Bneneath Thhe Sdurface
heneath yhe eurface hBeneath yThe eSurface Bheneath Tyhe Seurface Beeneath 6he xurface Bneath 6The xSurface Bneeath T6he Sxurface
Bsneath ghe aurface Bseneath gThe aSurface Besneath Tghe Saurface B3neath rhe Suurface B3eneath rThe Srface Be3neath Trhe Sruface
Bfneath Shrface Bfeneath Te Shurface Befneath Teh Suhrface Brneath Tje S7rface Breneath Tjhe S7urface Berneath Thje Su7rface
B4neath Tue Skrface B4eneath Tuhe Skurface Be4neath Thue Sukrface Bdneath Tne Sirface Bdeneath Tnhe Siurface Bedneath Thne Suirface
Bwneath Tbe S8rface Bweneath Tbhe S8urface Bewneath Thbe Su8rface Benneath Tge Sjrface Beeath Sjurface Beenath Thge Sujrface
Bemeath Tye Syrface Bemneath Syurface Benmeath Thye Suyrface Beheath Thee Surrface Behneath Th Suface Benheath The Sufrace
Bejeath Ths Sudface Bejneath Thse Sudrface Benjeath Thes Surdface Bebeath Th3 Su4face Bebneath Th3e Su4rface Benbeath The3 Sur4face
Beneeath Thf Sugface Benath Thfe Sugrface Benaeth Thef Surgface Bensath Thr Sutface Benseath Thre Sutrface Benesath Ther Surtface
Ben3ath Th4 Su5face Ben3eath Th4e Su5rface Bene3ath The4 Sur5face Benfath Thd Sufface Benfeath Thde Sufrface Benefath Thed Surfface
Benrath Thw Sueface Benreath Thwe Suerface Benerath Thew Sureface Ben4ath

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