Search For Your Love

I'm trapped in your shadow
Do anything you want
We're alone
Your diamond eyes ... look so innocent
They're turning me to stone

[Chorus 1:]
Throw off these chains, they're holding me back
I'm crying in the rain again
There's a fire in me ... burning up again
There is no escape for me

[Chorus 2:]
Searching for your love [3]
The magic in your eyes
Searching for your love [3]
I'm hypnotized again

All I want is just to hold you, I can't take breath
At the edge of darkness ... we sailed over heartaches
One step into the night

A new day, a new night
But nothing's ever changing
I never thought that I'd be touching you
I'm in this much too deep

[Chorus 2]

[Chorus 1 & 2]

Yes, I'm searching for love
No no

Mirror lyrics:

No no
Yes, I'm searching for love

[Chorus 1 & 2]

[Chorus 2]

I'm in this much too deep
I never thought that I'd be touching you
But nothing's ever changing
A new day, a new night

One step into the night
At the edge of darkness ... we sailed over heartaches
All I want is just to hold you, I can't take breath

I'm hypnotized again
Searching for your love [3]
The magic in your eyes
Searching for your love [3]
[Chorus 2:]

There is no escape for me
There's a fire in me ... burning up again
I'm crying in the rain again
Throw off these chains, they're holding me back
[Chorus 1:]

They're turning me to stone
Your diamond eyes ... look so innocent
We're alone
Do anything you want
I'm trapped in your shadow

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SSearch FFor YYour LLove earch or our ove eSarch oFr oYur oLve zearch cor gour kove zSearch cFor gYour kLove Szearch Fcor Ygour Lkove
wearch ror hour oove wSearch rFor hYour oLove Swearch Fror Yhour Loove dearch gor 6our pove dSearch gFor 6Your pLove Sdearch Fgor Y6our Lpove
eearch tor uour eSearch tFor uYour Lve Seearch Ftor Yuour Lvoe xearch vor 7our Lkve xSearch vFor 7Your Sxearch Fvor Y7our Lokve
aearch dor jour L9ve aSearch dFor jYour L9ove Saearch Fdor Yjour Lo9ve Foor tour L0ve Sarch Fr tYour L0ove Saerch Fro Ytour Lo0ve
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Sfarch F0r Y9ur Lovve Sfearch F0or Y9our Loe Sefarch Fo0r Yo9ur Loev Srarch Flr Y0ur Lobe Srearch Flor Y0our Lobve Serarch Folr Yo0ur Lovbe
S4arch Fir Ylur Loce S4earch Fior Ylour Locve Se4arch Foir Yolur Lovce Sdarch Forr Yiur Loge Fo Yiour Logve Sedarch For Yoiur Lovge
Swarch Fod Youur Lofe Fodr Yor Lofve Sewarch Ford Yoru Lovfe Seaarch Fo4 Yohr Lovee Serch Fo4r Yohur Lov Serach For4 Youhr Love
Sezrch Fog Yo7r Lovs Sezarch Fogr Yo7ur Lovse Seazrch Forg You7r Loves Seqrch Fot Yokr Lov3 Seqarch Fotr Lov3e Seaqrch Fort Youkr Love3
Sesrch Fo5 Yoir Lovf Fo5r Seasrch For5 Youir Lovef Sewrch Fof Yo8r Lovr

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