Sing It Loud
Maybe I'm A Ghost

So baby, run your fingers down my face
And watch me turn around and walk away
(Watch me turn around and walk away)
And all those times you always had me beat
But now I lay in bed and grind my teeth
(Now I lay in bed and grind my teeth)
Cause in the end she'll never know

I bet a dime that every time we meet
That something obvious will come from it
(Something obvious will come from it)
Because we take our drinks and then retreat
And then we talk until we fall asleep

Cause in the end she'll never know
Who lights the skies
Come home
And when you fall don't feel alone
Cause I'll get up get up for you

And maybe I'm a ghost and I'm wondering
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
Cause this could be the end
And I'm hoping that you still feel me
Please don't leave me

So baby, run your fingers down my face
And watch me turn around and walk away
Because we take our drinks and then retreat
And then we talk until we fall asleep

And maybe I'm a ghost and I'm wondering
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
Cause this could be the end
And I'm hoping that you still feel me
Please don't leave me
(And I'll get up get up for you)

Maybe I'm a ghost
And maybe I'm a ghost and I'm wondering
Can you hear me?
Can you see me?
Cause this could be the end
And I'm hoping that you still feel me
Please don't leave me

Mirror lyrics:

Please don't leave me
And I'm hoping that you still feel me
Cause this could be the end
Can you see me?
Can you hear me?
And maybe I'm a ghost and I'm wondering
Maybe I'm a ghost

(And I'll get up get up for you)
Please don't leave me
And I'm hoping that you still feel me
Cause this could be the end
Can you see me?
Can you hear me?
And maybe I'm a ghost and I'm wondering

And then we talk until we fall asleep
Because we take our drinks and then retreat
And watch me turn around and walk away
So baby, run your fingers down my face

Please don't leave me
And I'm hoping that you still feel me
Cause this could be the end
Can you see me?
Can you hear me?
And maybe I'm a ghost and I'm wondering

Cause I'll get up get up for you
And when you fall don't feel alone
Come home
Who lights the skies
Cause in the end she'll never know

And then we talk until we fall asleep
Because we take our drinks and then retreat
(Something obvious will come from it)
That something obvious will come from it
I bet a dime that every time we meet

Cause in the end she'll never know
(Now I lay in bed and grind my teeth)
But now I lay in bed and grind my teeth
And all those times you always had me beat
(Watch me turn around and walk away)
And watch me turn around and walk away
So baby, run your fingers down my face

Relevant Tags:
MMaybe II'm AA GGhost aybe 'm host aMybe 'Im A hGost jaybe j'm z hhost jMaybe jI'm zA hGhost Mjaybe Ij'm Az Ghhost
kaybe 9'm q yhost kMaybe 9I'm qA yGhost Mkaybe I9'm Aq Gyhost naybe l'm s bhost nMaybe lI'm sA bGhost Mnaybe Il'm As Gbhost
Maaybe o'm w vhost Mybe oI'm wA vGhost Myabe Io'm Aw Gvhost Mzybe k'm x fhost Mzaybe kI'm xA fGhost Mazybe Ik'm Ax Gfhost
Mqybe 8'm thost Mqaybe 8I'm tGhost Maqybe I8'm Gthost Msybe u'm Msaybe uI'm Gost Masybe Iu'm Gohst
Mwybe I''m Gjost Mwaybe Im Gjhost Mawybe Im' Ghjost Mxybe I'mm Guost Mxaybe I' Guhost Maxybe I'm Ghuost
Mayybe I'j Gnost Mabe I'jm Gnhost Mabye I'mj Ghnost Magbe I'k Gbost Magybe I'km Maygbe I'mk Ghbost
Mahbe I'n Ggost Mahybe I'nm Gghost Mayhbe I'mn Ghgost Ma6be Gyost Ma6ybe May6be Ghyost
Maube Ghoost Mauybe Ghst Mayube Ghsot Ma7be Ghkst Ma7ybe Ghkost May7be Ghokst
Majbe Gh9st Majybe Gh9ost Mayjbe Gho9st

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