Laid To Rest

I lay down on snow covered sheets of loneliness
and I weep, I'm crying out for you
I'm longing just to have one more chance

And right now...

...My hands are reaching out to you
I stand here frozen with fear
my heart is shattering in two
please don't leave me here to live alone
my world is grey without you
I am so lost, no where to go

Alone... I'm filled emptiness
alone... I call your name
alone... no hope remains
and alone I bid farewell
so long... I end my emptiness
so long... no name to call
so long... no need for hope
and so long, I leave this life

[SOLO : Laiho]

lay me down, this is my final resting place
I have failed, I let you down my dear
this shame overwhelming inside of me

so goodbye...

...I have to leave my world behind
I've fallen too many times
can't take rejection anymore
now it's time to meet my destiny
I wont' be missed anyway
I'll fall into serenity

Alone... I'm filled emptiness
alone... I call your name
alone... no hope remains
and alone I bid farewell
so long... I end my emptiness
so long... no name to call
so long... no need for hope
and so long, I leave this life

[SOLO : Laiho]

Alone... I'm filled emptiness
alone... I call your name
alone... no hope remains
and alone I bid farewell
so long... I end my emptiness
so long... no name to call
so long... no need for hope
and so long, I leave this life


Mirror lyrics:


and so long, I leave this life
so long... no need for hope
so long... no name to call
so long... I end my emptiness
and alone I bid farewell
alone... no hope remains
alone... I call your name
Alone... I'm filled emptiness

[SOLO : Laiho]

and so long, I leave this life
so long... no need for hope
so long... no name to call
so long... I end my emptiness
and alone I bid farewell
alone... no hope remains
alone... I call your name
Alone... I'm filled emptiness

I'll fall into serenity
I wont' be missed anyway
now it's time to meet my destiny
can't take rejection anymore
I've fallen too many times
...I have to leave my world behind

so goodbye...

this shame overwhelming inside of me
I have failed, I let you down my dear
lay me down, this is my final resting place

[SOLO : Laiho]

and so long, I leave this life
so long... no need for hope
so long... no name to call
so long... I end my emptiness
and alone I bid farewell
alone... no hope remains
alone... I call your name
Alone... I'm filled emptiness

I am so lost, no where to go
my world is grey without you
please don't leave me here to live alone
my heart is shattering in two
I stand here frozen with fear
...My hands are reaching out to you

And right now...

I'm longing just to have one more chance
and I weep, I'm crying out for you
I lay down on snow covered sheets of loneliness

Relevant Tags:
LLaid TTo RRest aid o est aLid oT eRst kaid fo dest kLaid fTo dRest Lkaid Tfo Rdest oaid 5o 4est oLaid 5To 4Rest Loaid T5o R4est
paid ho gest pLaid hTo gRest Lpaid Tho Rgest Laaid yo test Lid yTo tRest Liad Tyo Rtest Lzid 6o 5est Lzaid 6To 5Rest Lazid T6o R5est
Lqid go fest Lqaid gTo fRest Laqid Tgo Rfest Lsid ro eest Lsaid rTo eRest Lasid Tro Reest Lwid Too Lwaid T Rst Lawid To Rset
Lxid Tk Rsst Lxaid Tko Rsest Laxid Tok Resst Laiid T9 R3st Lad T9o R3est Ladi To9 Re3st Lajd T0 Rfst Lajid T0o Laijd To0 Refst
La9d Tl Rrst La9id Tlo Rrest Lai9d Tol Rerst Lald Ti R4st Lalid Tio Laild Toi Re4st Laod Rdst

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