Sinead O'connor
I Do Not Want What I Haven't Got

I'm walking trough the desert
and i am not frightened although it's hot
I have all that I requested
and I do not want what I haven't got

I have learned this from my mother
See how happy she has made me
I will take this road much further
though I know not where it takes me

I have water for my journey
I have bread and I have wine
no longer will I be hungry
for the bread of life is mine

I saw a navy blue bird
flying way above the sea
I walked on and learned later
that this navy blue bird was me

I returned a paler blue bird
and this is the advice they gave me
"you must not try to be too pure
you must fly closer to the sea"

So I'm walking through the desert
and I am not frightened although it's hot
I have all that I requested
and I do not want what I haven't got

Mirror lyrics:

and I do not want what I haven't got
I have all that I requested
and I am not frightened although it's hot
So I'm walking through the desert

you must fly closer to the sea"
"you must not try to be too pure
and this is the advice they gave me
I returned a paler blue bird

that this navy blue bird was me
I walked on and learned later
flying way above the sea
I saw a navy blue bird

for the bread of life is mine
no longer will I be hungry
I have bread and I have wine
I have water for my journey

though I know not where it takes me
I will take this road much further
See how happy she has made me
I have learned this from my mother

and I do not want what I haven't got
I have all that I requested
and i am not frightened although it's hot
I'm walking trough the desert

Relevant Tags:
II DDo NNot WWant WWhat II HHaven't GGot o ot ant hat aven't ot I oD oNt aWnt hWat I aHven't oGt j xo mot aant ahat j javen't hot jI xDo mNot aWant aWhat jI jHaven't hGot
Ij Dxo Nmot Waant Wahat Ij Hjaven't Ghot 9 eo hot 3ant 3hat 9 uaven't yot 9I eDo hNot 3Want 3What 9I uHaven't yGot I9 Deo Nhot W3ant W3hat I9 Huaven't Gyot l fo jot dant dhat l naven't bot
lI fDo jNot dWant dWhat lI nHaven't bGot Il Dfo Njot Wdant Wdhat Il Hnaven't Gbot o ro bot eant ehat o baven't vot oI rDo bNot eWant eWhat oI bHaven't vGot Io Dro Nbot Weant Wehat Io Hbaven't Gvot
k co Noot sant shat k gaven't fot kI cDo Nt sWant sWhat kI gHaven't fGot Ik Dco Nto Wsant Wshat Ik Hgaven't Gfot 8 so Nkt 2ant 2hat 8 yaven't tot 8I sDo Nkot 2Want 2What 8I yHaven't tGot
I8 Dso Nokt W2ant W2hat I8 Hyaven't Gtot u Doo N9t qant qhat u Haaven't Goot uI D N9ot qWant qWhat uI Hven't Gt Iu Do No9t Wqant Wqhat Iu Hvaen't Gto Dk N0t Whhat Hzven't Gkt
Dko N0ot Wnt Wat Hzaven't Gkot Dok No0t Wnat Waht Hazven't Gokt D9 Nlt Wznt Wjat Hqven't G9t D9o Nlot Wzant Wjhat Hqaven't G9ot Do9 Nolt Waznt Whjat Haqven't Go9t
D0 Nit Wqnt Wuat Hsven't G0t D0o Niot Wuhat Hsaven't G0ot Do0 Noit Waqnt Whuat Hasven't Go0t Dl Nott Wsnt Wnat Hwven't Glt Dlo No Wnhat Hwaven't Glot
Dol Not Wasnt Whnat Hawven't Golt Di Nof Wwnt Wbat Hxven't Git Dio Noft Wwant Wbhat Hxaven't Giot Doi Notf Wawnt Whbat Haxven't Goit No5 Wxnt Wgat Havven't Gott
No5t Wxant Wghat Haen't Go Not5 Waxnt Whgat Haevn't Got Noh Wannt Wyat Haben't Gof Noht Wat Wyhat Habven't Goft Noth Watn Whyat Havben't Gotf
Noy Wamt Whaat Hacen't Go5 Noyt Wamnt Wht Hacven't Go5t Noty Wanmt Whta Havcen't Got5 No6 Waht Whzt Hagen't Goh No6t Wahnt Whzat Hagven't Goht
Not6 Wanht Whazt Havgen't Goth Nog Wajt Whqt Hafen't Goy Nogt Wajnt Whqat Hafven't Goyt Notg Wanjt Whaqt Havfen't Goty Nor Wabt Whst Haveen't Go6
Nort Wabnt Whsat Havn't Go6t Notr Wanbt Whast Havne't Got6 Wantt Whwt Havsn't Gog Wan Whwat Havsen't Gogt Want Whawt Havesn't Gotg

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