Sick Of It All
Give Respect

Give respect, get it back, my solid promise
To this private pact, to this honored oath
I pledged never to let them
Push you over the edge
Straight edge or not don't matter to me
You can be what you want to be
In your actions give me proof
What's inside, the real truth

Pure is what you are when you're born
Be positive of what you're gonna be
Hard is the life that you're thrown into
Stick it out like my brothers and me

Extend your hand, call your friend
I'll stand with you to the end
Forget mistakes of the past
If you're friendship's true it will last
Straight edge or not don't matter to me
You can be what you want to be
In your actions give me proof
What's inside, the real truth

Pure is what you are when you're born
Be positive of what you're gonna be
Hard is the life that you're thrown into
Stick it out like my brothers and me

Mirror lyrics:

Stick it out like my brothers and me
Hard is the life that you're thrown into
Be positive of what you're gonna be
Pure is what you are when you're born

What's inside, the real truth
In your actions give me proof
You can be what you want to be
Straight edge or not don't matter to me
If you're friendship's true it will last
Forget mistakes of the past
I'll stand with you to the end
Extend your hand, call your friend

Stick it out like my brothers and me
Hard is the life that you're thrown into
Be positive of what you're gonna be
Pure is what you are when you're born

What's inside, the real truth
In your actions give me proof
You can be what you want to be
Straight edge or not don't matter to me
Push you over the edge
I pledged never to let them
To this private pact, to this honored oath
Give respect, get it back, my solid promise

Relevant Tags:
GGive RRespect ive espect iGve eRspect hive despect hGive dRespect Ghive Rdespect yive 4espect yGive 4Respect Gyive R4espect
bive gespect bGive gRespect Gbive Rgespect vive tespect vGive tRespect Gvive Rtespect five 5espect fGive 5Respect Gfive R5espect
tive fespect tGive fRespect Gtive Rfespect Giive eespect Gve eRespect Gvie Reespect Gjve Gjive Rspect Gijve Rsepect
G9ve Rsspect G9ive Rsespect Gi9ve Resspect Glve R3spect Glive R3espect Gilve Re3spect Gove Rfspect Goive Giove Refspect
Gkve Rrspect Gkive Rrespect Gikve Rerspect G8ve R4spect G8ive Gi8ve Re4spect Guve Rdspect Guive Giuve Redspect
Givve Rwspect Gie Rwespect Giev Rewspect Gibe Gibve Repect Givbe Repsect Gice Rezpect Gicve Rezspect Givce Reszpect
Gige Rewpect Gigve Givge Reswpect Gife Redpect Gifve Givfe Resdpect Givee Reepect Giv Give Resepect
Givs Rexpect Givse Rexspect Gives Resxpect Giv3 Reapect

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