If I Can't Have You (and Zero 7)

Have you ever wondered if it smarts when you heart is ignored
And the sort becomes lore
Though I waited for you
How I adored you

You never saw my face
I traced your path each day
We'll be always together

Now I watch you bleed
You had all I need

How I love you so
Now we'll never know

If I can't have you

I even did the research
Went to work
Learned to flirt
Wore a skirt and faced dirt and it hurt
Still you never noticed
You never focused on me

You never saw my face
I traced your path each day
You never lifted your eyes to meet mine

Now I watch you bleed
You had all I need

How I love you so
Now we'll never know

Now I watch you bleed
You had all I need

How I love you so
Now we'll never know

If I can't have you
If I can't have you
If I can't have you
If I can't have you

Mirror lyrics:

If I can't have you
If I can't have you
If I can't have you
If I can't have you

Now we'll never know
How I love you so

You had all I need
Now I watch you bleed

Now we'll never know
How I love you so

You had all I need
Now I watch you bleed

You never lifted your eyes to meet mine
I traced your path each day
You never saw my face

You never focused on me
Still you never noticed
Wore a skirt and faced dirt and it hurt
Learned to flirt
Went to work
I even did the research

If I can't have you

Now we'll never know
How I love you so

You had all I need
Now I watch you bleed

We'll be always together
I traced your path each day
You never saw my face

How I adored you
Though I waited for you
And the sort becomes lore
Have you ever wondered if it smarts when you heart is ignored

Relevant Tags:
IIf II CCan't HHave YYou ((and ZZero 77) f an't ave ou and ero ) fI I aCn't aHve oYu a(nd eZro )7 jf j fan't jave gou (aand aero 8) jIf jI fCan't jHave gYou (nd aZero 87)
Ijf Ij Cfan't Hjave Ygou (nad Zaero 78) 9f 9 xan't uave hou (znd sero y) 9If 9I xCan't uHave hYou (zand sZero y7) I9f I9 Cxan't Huave Yhou (aznd Zsero 7y) lf l van't nave 6ou (qnd xero u)
lIf lI vCan't nHave 6You (qand xZero u7) Ilf Il Cvan't Hnave Y6ou (aqnd Zxero 7u) of o dan't bave uou (snd Zeero 6) oIf oI dCan't bHave uYou (sand Zro 67) Iof Io Cdan't Hbave Yuou (asnd Zreo 76)
kf k Caan't gave 7ou (wnd Zsro 7)) kIf kI Cn't gHave 7You (wand 7 Ikf Ik Cna't Hgave Y7ou (awnd Zesro 7) 8f 8 Czn't yave jou (xnd Z3ro 8If 8I Czan't yHave jYou (xand Z3ero
I8f I8 Cazn't Hyave Yjou (axnd Ze3ro uf u Cqn't Haave tou (annd Zfro uIf uI Cqan't Hve tYou (ad Zfero Iuf Iu Caqn't Hvae Ytou (adn Zefro Iff Csn't Hzve Yoou (amd Zrro
I Csan't Hzave Yu (amnd Zrero If Casn't Hazve Yuo (anmd Zerro Ic Cwn't Hqve Yku (ahd Z4ro Icf Cwan't Hqave Ykou (ahnd Z4ero Ifc Cawn't Haqve Yoku (anhd Ze4ro
Ir Cxn't Hsve Y9u (ajd Zdro Irf Hsave Y9ou (ajnd Zdero Ifr Caxn't Hasve Yo9u (anjd Zedro Ig Cann't Hwve Y0u (abd Zwro Igf Ca't Hwave Y0ou (abnd Zwero
Ifg Ca'nt Hawve Yo0u (anbd Zewro It Cam't Hxve Ylu (andd Itf Camn't Hxave Ylou (an Zeo Ift Canm't Haxve Yolu (and Zeor

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