Shy Fx
Unavailable (feat Di)

For a minute, I thought
We could be together, maybe forever
You came into my life
Now I regret the day that we met
And on the corner pretend
It's ok to go from lovers to friends and back again
I will not stay, in this state of mind
So hear me when I say

Can't keep on walkin' in and out my life, when you want to
Can't keep on callin' me as you like
I am unavailable right now
Gotta find a way to get over you somehow
I need you to go away

See what you get when you play with my heart
Cos right from the start you
Knew you couldn't stay
And all along
Just what you say
But it's a brand new day
And I've finally found the strength to walk away
No more goodbyes, gotta be true to me
So hear me when I say

Can't keep on walkin' in and out my life, when you want to
Can't keep on callin' me as you like
I am unavailable right now
Gotta find a way to get over you somehow
I need you to go away

Whatever I got to do to
Keep from hurting, over and over
You---don't---care, for anyone but you
And all I do is try to keep you satisfied
But from today, I've found the will to say:

Can't keep on walkin' in and out my life, when you want to
Can't keep on callin' me as you like
I am unavailable right now
Gotta find a way to get over you somehow
I need you to go away

Mirror lyrics:

I need you to go away
Gotta find a way to get over you somehow
I am unavailable right now
Can't keep on callin' me as you like
Can't keep on walkin' in and out my life, when you want to

But from today, I've found the will to say:
And all I do is try to keep you satisfied
You---don't---care, for anyone but you
Keep from hurting, over and over
Whatever I got to do to

I need you to go away
Gotta find a way to get over you somehow
I am unavailable right now
Can't keep on callin' me as you like
Can't keep on walkin' in and out my life, when you want to

So hear me when I say
No more goodbyes, gotta be true to me
And I've finally found the strength to walk away
But it's a brand new day
Just what you say
And all along
Knew you couldn't stay
Cos right from the start you
See what you get when you play with my heart

I need you to go away
Gotta find a way to get over you somehow
I am unavailable right now
Can't keep on callin' me as you like
Can't keep on walkin' in and out my life, when you want to

So hear me when I say
I will not stay, in this state of mind
It's ok to go from lovers to friends and back again
And on the corner pretend
Now I regret the day that we met
You came into my life
We could be together, maybe forever
For a minute, I thought

Relevant Tags:
UUnavailable ((feat DDi) navailable feat i) nUavailable f(eat iD) hnavailable (ffeat xi) hUnavailable (eat xDi) Uhnavailable (efat Dxi)
7navailable (ceat ei) 7Unavailable (cfeat eDi) U7navailable (fceat Dei) knavailable (reat fi) kUnavailable (rfeat fDi) Uknavailable (freat Dfi)
inavailable (geat ri) iUnavailable (gfeat rDi) Uinavailable (fgeat Dri) 8navailable (teat ci) 8Unavailable (tfeat cDi) U8navailable (fteat Dci)
jnavailable (veat si) jUnavailable (vfeat sDi) Ujnavailable (fveat Dsi) ynavailable (deat Dii) yUnavailable (dfeat D) Uynavailable (fdeat D)i
Unnavailable (feeat Dj) Uavailable (fat Dji) Uanvailable (faet Dij) Umavailable (fsat D9) Umnavailable (fseat D9i) Unmavailable (fesat Di9)
Uhavailable (f3at Dl) (f3eat Dli) Unhavailable (fe3at Dil) Ujavailable (ffat Do) Doi) Unjavailable (fefat Dio)
Ubavailable (frat Dk) Ubnavailable Dki) Unbavailable (ferat Dik) Unaavailable (f4at D8) Unvailable (f4eat D8i) Unvaailable (fe4at Di8)
Unzvailable (fdat Du) Unzavailable Dui) Unazvailable (fedat Diu) Unqvailable (fwat Di)) Unqavailable (fweat Di Unaqvailable (fewat Di)
Unsvailable (feaat Unsavailable (fet Unasvailable (feta Unwvailable (fezt Unwavailable (fezat Unawvailable (feazt
Unxvailable (feqt Unxavailable (feqat Unaxvailable (feaqt Unavvailable (fest Unaailable Unaavilable (feast
Unabailable (fewt Unabvailable Unavbailable (feawt Unacailable (fext Unacvailable (fexat Unavcailable (feaxt
Unagailable (featt Unagvailable (fea Unavgailable (feat Unafailable (feaf Unafvailable (feaft Unavfailable (featf
Unavaailable (fea5 Unavilable (fea5t Unavialable (feat5 Unavzilable (feah Unavzailable (feaht Unavazilable (feath
Unavqilable (feay Unavqailable (feayt Unavaqilable (featy Unavsilable (fea6 Unavsailable (fea6t Unavasilable (feat6
Unavwilable (feag Unavwailable (feagt Unavawilable (featg Unavxilable (fear Unavxailable (feart Unavaxilable (featr
Unavaiilable Unavalable Unavaliable Unavajlable Unavajilable

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