Sick Puppies
Master Of The Universe

If you want to know how far to go to hell
Just ask me
If you want to see the view from your knees
Come down and join me
I'm the final straw
The nail in the coffin
Just by being who I am
Is so Goddamned

I'm not the master of the Universe
I walk the Earth the wrong way
Met my potential and fulfilled the worst
My best is cursed the wrong way

Your glass is half, his glass is full
My glass is empty
You're running short of not enough
Well I got plenty
I've come a long way
I went the wrong way
And who I am
Is so Goddamned

I'm not the master of the Universe
I walk the Earth the wrong way
Met my potential and fulfilled the worst
My best is cursed the wrong way

And when I die I'm gonna fly and come and get you
And when you try and run I'll be the curse above you
It's gonna end
It's gonna end

In the race for disaster I will come in first
That's what I've learned
The hard way


If you want to know how far to go to hell
Just ask me
If you want to see the view from your knees
Come down and join me

I've come a long way
I went the wrong way
I've come a long way
I went the wrong way
I've come a long way
I went the wrong way

Mirror lyrics:

I went the wrong way
I've come a long way
I went the wrong way
I've come a long way
I went the wrong way
I've come a long way

Come down and join me
If you want to see the view from your knees
Just ask me
If you want to know how far to go to hell


The hard way
That's what I've learned
In the race for disaster I will come in first

It's gonna end
It's gonna end
And when you try and run I'll be the curse above you
And when I die I'm gonna fly and come and get you

My best is cursed the wrong way
Met my potential and fulfilled the worst
I walk the Earth the wrong way
I'm not the master of the Universe

Is so Goddamned
And who I am
I went the wrong way
I've come a long way
Well I got plenty
You're running short of not enough
My glass is empty
Your glass is half, his glass is full

My best is cursed the wrong way
Met my potential and fulfilled the worst
I walk the Earth the wrong way
I'm not the master of the Universe

Is so Goddamned
Just by being who I am
The nail in the coffin
I'm the final straw
Come down and join me
If you want to see the view from your knees
Just ask me
If you want to know how far to go to hell

Relevant Tags:
MMaster OOf TThe UUniverse aster f he niverse aMster fO hTe nUiverse jaster kf fhe hniverse jMaster kOf fThe hUniverse Mjaster Okf Tfhe Uhniverse
kaster 9f 5he 7niverse kMaster 9Of 5The 7Universe Mkaster O9f T5he U7niverse naster 0f hhe kniverse nMaster 0Of hThe kUniverse Mnaster O0f Thhe Ukniverse
Maaster lf yhe iniverse Mster lOf yThe iUniverse Msater Olf Tyhe Uiniverse Mzster if 6he 8niverse Mzaster iOf 6The 8Universe Mazster Oif T6he U8niverse
Mqster Off ghe jniverse Mqaster O gThe jUniverse Maqster Of Tghe Ujniverse Msster Oc rhe yniverse Msaster Ocf rThe yUniverse Masster Ofc Trhe Uyniverse
Mwster Or Unniverse Mwaster Orf Te Uiverse Mawster Ofr Teh Uinverse Mxster Og Tje Umiverse Mxaster Ogf Tjhe Umniverse Maxster Ofg Thje Unmiverse
Ot Tue Uhiverse Mater Otf Tuhe Matser Oft Thue Unhiverse Mazter Ov Tne Ujiverse Ovf Tnhe Maszter Ofv Thne Unjiverse
Mawter Od Tbe Ubiverse Odf Tbhe Ubniverse Maswter Ofd Thbe Unbiverse Madter Tge Uniiverse Madster Unverse Masdter Thge Unvierse
Maeter Tye Unjverse Maester Maseter Thye Unijverse Maxter Thee Un9verse Th Un9iverse Masxter The Uni9verse
Maater Ths Unlverse Thse Unliverse Masater Thes Unilverse Mastter Th3 Unoverse Maser Th3e Unoiverse Masetr The3 Unioverse
Masfer Thf Unkverse Masfter Thfe Unkiverse Mastfer Thef Unikverse Mas5er Thr Un8verse Mas5ter Thre Un8iverse Mast5er Ther Uni8verse
Masher Th4 Unuverse Mashter Th4e Unuiverse Masther The4 Uniuverse Masyer Thd Univverse Masyter Thde Unierse Mastyer Thed Unievrse
Mas6er Thw Uniberse Mas6ter Thwe Unibverse Mast6er Thew Univberse Masger Unicerse Masgter Unicverse Mastger Univcerse
Masrer Unigerse Masrter Unigverse Mastrer Univgerse Masteer Uniferse Mastr Unifverse Mastre Univferse

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