Shawn Mullins
This One's For The Majors

If the timing's right
no need to worry about what's right and what is wrong
and if the market's right
we can sell the livin' hell out of your song
cause I know what they wanna hear
yea I can see the light
but just a few adjustments dear
change the way you sing
the way you play
the way you write
and if my mood is right
I'll give you money or support whichever's less
not sure the image is right
I think for starters we should put you in a dress
cause we are patrons of the arts
yea we believe in you and what it is you do
but just remember parts is parts
we'll see what sticks
I hope for your sake it will be you
and if the price was right
I'd sell the soul of my own mother in a shake
and that I can't deny
I wonder how much money could I make
what are you complaining for
it's simply economics
you still got your vocal chords
so get the hell out of my office
and write me some hits,
write me some hits,
I don't hear no hits,
I don't hear no hits

Mirror lyrics:

I don't hear no hits
I don't hear no hits,
write me some hits,
and write me some hits,
so get the hell out of my office
you still got your vocal chords
it's simply economics
what are you complaining for
I wonder how much money could I make
and that I can't deny
I'd sell the soul of my own mother in a shake
and if the price was right
I hope for your sake it will be you
we'll see what sticks
but just remember parts is parts
yea we believe in you and what it is you do
cause we are patrons of the arts
I think for starters we should put you in a dress
not sure the image is right
I'll give you money or support whichever's less
and if my mood is right
the way you write
the way you play
change the way you sing
but just a few adjustments dear
yea I can see the light
cause I know what they wanna hear
we can sell the livin' hell out of your song
and if the market's right
no need to worry about what's right and what is wrong
If the timing's right

Relevant Tags:
TThis OOne's FFor TThe MMajors his ne's or he ajors hTis nOe's oFr hTe aMjors fhis kne's cor fhe jajors fThis kOne's cFor fThe jMajors
Tfhis Okne's Fcor Tfhe Mjajors 5his 9ne's ror 5he kajors 5This 9One's rFor 5The kMajors T5his O9ne's Fror T5he Mkajors hhis 0ne's gor hhe najors
hThis 0One's gFor hThe nMajors Thhis O0ne's Fgor Thhe Mnajors yhis lne's tor yhe Maajors yThis lOne's tFor yThe Mjors Tyhis Olne's Ftor Tyhe Mjaors
6his ine's vor 6he Mzjors 6This iOne's vFor 6The Mzajors T6his Oine's Fvor T6he Mazjors ghis Onne's dor ghe Mqjors gThis Oe's dFor gThe Mqajors
Tghis Oen's Fdor Tghe Maqjors rhis Ome's Foor rhe Msjors rThis Omne's Fr rThe Msajors Trhis Onme's Fro Trhe Masjors Ohe's Fkr Mwjors
Tis Ohne's Fkor Te Mwajors Tihs Onhe's Fokr Teh Mawjors Tjis Oje's F9r Tje Mxjors Tjhis Ojne's F9or Tjhe Mxajors Thjis Onje's Fo9r Thje Maxjors
Tuis Obe's F0r Tue Majjors Tuhis Obne's F0or Tuhe Maors Thuis Onbe's Fo0r Thue Maojrs Tnis Onee's Flr Tne Makors Tnhis On's Flor Tnhe Makjors
Thnis On'es Folr Thne Majkors Tbis Ons's Fir Tbe Maiors Tbhis Onse's Fior Tbhe Maijors Thbis Ones's Foir Thbe Majiors Tgis On3's Forr Tge Mamors
On3e's Fo Mamjors Thgis One3's For Thge Majmors Tyis Onf's Fod Tye Manors Onfe's Fodr Manjors Thyis Onef's Ford Thye Majnors
Thiis Onr's Fo4 Thee Mahors Ths Onre's Fo4r Th Mahjors Thsi Oner's For4 The Majhors Thjs On4's Fog Ths Mauors On4e's Fogr Thse Maujors
Thijs One4's Forg Thes Majuors Th9s Ond's Fot Th3 Majoors Th9is Onde's Fotr Th3e Majrs Thi9s Oned's Fort The3 Majros Thls Onw's Fo5 Thf Majkrs

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