Shawn Martin
We're Going Here

I still feel you're with me
Are you still there?
I smell the roses from your pillow
The faint aroma
The ashes from the fire
They're still glowing
And I think I found the answer
To where we're going

We're going here
We're going here
We're going here
And we're no where near

I am weakened
Moving from this
I am moving

We're going here
We're going here
We're going here
And we're no where near

I still feel you're with me
And I think I found the answer
To where we're going

We're going here
We're going here
We're going here
And we're no where near

Mirror lyrics:

And we're no where near
We're going here
We're going here
We're going here

To where we're going
And I think I found the answer
I still feel you're with me

And we're no where near
We're going here
We're going here
We're going here

I am moving
Moving from this
I am weakened

And we're no where near
We're going here
We're going here
We're going here

To where we're going
And I think I found the answer
They're still glowing
The ashes from the fire
The faint aroma
I smell the roses from your pillow
Are you still there?
I still feel you're with me

Relevant Tags:
WWe're GGoing HHere e're oing ere eW're oGing eHre ae're hoing jere aWe're hGoing jHere Wae're Ghoing Hjere 3e're yoing uere
3We're yGoing uHere W3e're Gyoing Huere de're boing nere dWe're bGoing nHere Wde're Gboing Hnere ee're voing bere eWe're vGoing bHere
Wee're Gvoing Hbere se're foing gere sWe're fGoing gHere Wse're Gfoing Hgere 2e're toing yere 2We're tGoing yHere W2e're Gtoing Hyere
qe're Gooing Heere qWe're Ging Hre Wqe're Giong Hree Gking Hsre W're Gkoing Hsere W'ere Goking Hesre Ws're G9ing H3re
G9oing H3ere Wes're Go9ing He3re W3're G0ing Hfre G0oing Hfere We3're Go0ing Hefre Wf're Gling Hrre Wfe're Gloing Hrere
Wef're Goling Herre Wr're Giing H4re Wre're Gioing H4ere Wer're Goiing He4re W4're Hdre W4e're Gong Hdere We4're Gonig Hedre
Wd're Gojng Hwre Gojing Hwere Wed're Goijng Hewre Ww're Go9ng

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