Shawn Colvin
Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic

Though i've tried before to tell him
Of the feelings I have for him
In my heart

Every time that I come near him
I just loose my nerve as I've done
From the start…

Cause every little thing he does is magic
Every thing he does just turns me on
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for him goes on

Do I have to tell the story?
Of the thousand rainy days
Since we first met

It's a big enough umbrella
But it's always me
who ends up getting wet

Cause every lil thing he does is magic
Every thing he does just turns me on
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for him goes on

I resolve to call him up
A thousand times a day
And ask him if he'll marry me
In some old fashioned way

But my silent fears have gripped me
Long before I reached the phone
Long before my tongue's tripped me
must i always be alone

Cause every little thing he does is magic
Every thing he does just turns me on
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for him goes on

Cause every little thing he does is magic
Every thing he does just turns me on
Even though my life before was tragic
Now I know my love for him goes on

goes on…goes on…

Mirror lyrics:

goes on…goes on…

Now I know my love for him goes on
Even though my life before was tragic
Every thing he does just turns me on
Cause every little thing he does is magic

Now I know my love for him goes on
Even though my life before was tragic
Every thing he does just turns me on
Cause every little thing he does is magic

must i always be alone
Long before my tongue's tripped me
Long before I reached the phone
But my silent fears have gripped me

In some old fashioned way
And ask him if he'll marry me
A thousand times a day
I resolve to call him up

Now I know my love for him goes on
Even though my life before was tragic
Every thing he does just turns me on
Cause every lil thing he does is magic

who ends up getting wet
But it's always me
It's a big enough umbrella

Since we first met
Of the thousand rainy days
Do I have to tell the story?

Now I know my love for him goes on
Even though my life before was tragic
Every thing he does just turns me on
Cause every little thing he does is magic

From the start…
I just loose my nerve as I've done
Every time that I come near him

In my heart
Of the feelings I have for him
Though i've tried before to tell him

Relevant Tags:
EEvery LLittle TThing HHe DDoes IIs MMagic very ittle hing e oes s agic vEery iLttle hTing eH oDes sI aMgic svery kittle fhing je xoes js jagic sEvery kLittle fThing jHe xDoes jIs jMagic
Esvery Lkittle Tfhing Hje Dxoes Ijs Mjagic 3very oittle 5hing ue eoes 9s kagic 3Every oLittle 5Thing uHe eDoes 9Is kMagic E3very Loittle T5hing Hue Deoes I9s Mkagic fvery pittle hhing ne foes ls nagic
fEvery pLittle hThing nHe fDoes lIs nMagic Efvery Lpittle Thhing Hne Dfoes Ils Mnagic rvery Liittle yhing be roes os Maagic rEvery Lttle yThing bHe rDoes oIs Mgic Ervery Ltitle Tyhing Hbe Droes Ios Mgaic
4very Ljttle 6hing ge coes ks Mzgic 4Every Ljittle 6Thing gHe cDoes kIs Mzagic E4very Lijttle T6hing Hge Dcoes Iks Mazgic dvery L9ttle ghing ye soes 8s Mqgic dEvery L9ittle gThing yHe sDoes 8Is Mqagic
Edvery Li9ttle Tghing Hye Dsoes I8s Maqgic wvery Llttle rhing Hee Dooes us Msgic wEvery Llittle rThing H Des uIs Msagic Ewvery Lilttle Trhing He Deos Ius Masgic Evvery Lottle Hs Dkes Iss Mwgic
Eery Ting Hse Dkoes I Mwagic Eevry Liottle Tihng Hes Dokes Is Mawgic Ebery Lkttle Tjing H3 D9es Iz Mxgic Ebvery Tjhing H3e D9oes Izs Mxagic Evbery Likttle Thjing He3 Do9es Isz Maxgic
Ecery L8ttle Tuing Hf D0es Iw Maggic Ecvery L8ittle Tuhing Hfe D0oes Iws Maic Evcery Li8ttle Thuing Hef Do0es Isw Maigc Egery Luttle Tning Hr Dles Id Mahic Egvery Luittle Tnhing Hre Dloes Ids Mahgic
Evgery Liuttle Thning Her Doles Isd Maghic Efery Litttle Tbing H4 Dies Ie Mayic Litle Tbhing H4e Dioes Ies Maygic Evfery Little Thbing He4 Doies Ise Magyic Eveery Liftle Tging Hd Doees Ix Mabic
Evry Lifttle Hde Dos Ixs Mabgic Evrey Litftle Thging Hed Dose Isx Magbic Evsry Li5tle Tying Hw Doss Ia Mavic Evsery Li5ttle Hwe Doses Ias Mavgic Evesry Lit5tle Thying Hew Doess Isa Magvic
Ev3ry Lihtle Thiing Do3s Mafic Ev3ery Lihttle Thng Do3es Mafgic Eve3ry Lithtle Thnig Doe3s Magfic Evfry Liytle Thjng Dofs Matic Liyttle Dofes Matgic
Evefry Litytle Thijng Doefs Magtic Evrry Li6tle Th9ng Dors Magiic Evrery Li6ttle Th9ing Dores Magc Everry Lit6tle Thi9ng Doers Magci

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