Sierra Swan
You Got Away Ft. Scooter Ward

Wish I could explain what you have made
Thoughts cannot help
When I cannot trust myself

That dream of the gun
Caught, I can't run
Allow me to stand
Until you take my hand

Along your way
Abandon my faith
In being alone always
It's what you undo(You make your presence known)
And why im unglued

You got away, you got away with me
I left myself open
You got away, God's on his way to me
Your wish has come true, I'm broken

So simple and strange
How you rearranged
Chills that I get

Your creeping into this

It's what you undo(You make your presence known)
And why I'm unglued


Like a moment(Like a moment)
I was stolen(I was stolen)


You got away(you got away)
You got away
You got away(you got away)
God's on his way to me

You got away(you got away)
You got away
You got away(you got away)
God's on his way to me

I have no more questions
My simple mind is broken
I have no more questions
My simple mind is broken

Mirror lyrics:

My simple mind is broken
I have no more questions
My simple mind is broken
I have no more questions

God's on his way to me
You got away(you got away)
You got away
You got away(you got away)

God's on his way to me
You got away(you got away)
You got away
You got away(you got away)


I was stolen(I was stolen)
Like a moment(Like a moment)


And why I'm unglued
It's what you undo(You make your presence known)

Your creeping into this

Chills that I get
How you rearranged
So simple and strange

Your wish has come true, I'm broken
You got away, God's on his way to me
I left myself open
You got away, you got away with me

And why im unglued
It's what you undo(You make your presence known)
In being alone always
Abandon my faith
Along your way

Until you take my hand
Allow me to stand
Caught, I can't run
That dream of the gun

When I cannot trust myself
Thoughts cannot help
Wish I could explain what you have made

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YYou GGot AAway FFt. SScooter WWard ou ot way t. cooter ard oYu oGt wAay tF. cSooter aWrd gou hot zway ct. zcooter aard gYou hGot zAway cFt. zScooter aWard
Ygou Ghot Azway Fct. Szcooter Waard hou yot qway rt. wcooter 3ard hYou yGot qAway rFt. wScooter 3Ward Yhou Gyot Aqway Frt. Swcooter W3ard 6ou bot sway gt. dcooter dard
6You bGot sAway gFt. dScooter dWard Y6ou Gbot Asway Fgt. Sdcooter Wdard uou vot wway tt. ecooter eard uYou vGot wAway tFt. eScooter eWard Yuou Gvot Awway Ftt. Secooter Weard
7ou fot xway vt. xcooter sard 7You fGot xAway vFt. xScooter sWard Y7ou Gfot Axway Fvt. Sxcooter Wsard jou tot dt. acooter 2ard jYou tGot Aay dFt. aScooter 2Ward
Yjou Gtot Aawy Fdt. Sacooter W2ard tou Goot Aaay Sccooter qard tYou Gt Aaway F. Sooter qWard Ytou Gto Awaay F.t Socoter Wqard Yoou Gkt A3ay Ff. Sfooter
Yu Gkot A3way Fft. Sfcooter Wrd Yuo Gokt Aw3ay Ftf. Scfooter Wrad Yku G9t Aday F5. Sxooter Wzrd Ykou G9ot Adway F5t. Wzard Yoku Go9t Awday Ft5. Scxooter Wazrd
Y9u G0t Aeay Fh. Svooter Wqrd Y9ou G0ot Aeway Fht. Svcooter Yo9u Go0t Aweay Fth. Scvooter Waqrd Y0u Glt Asay Fy. Sdooter Wsrd Y0ou Glot Fyt.
Yo0u Golt Awsay Fty. Scdooter Wasrd Ylu Git A2ay F6. Scoooter Wwrd Ylou Giot A2way F6t. Scoter Wward Yolu Goit Aw2ay Ft6. Scooter Wawrd Yiu Gott Aqay Fg. Sckoter Wxrd
Yiou Go Sckooter Wxard Yoiu Got Awqay Ftg. Scokoter Waxrd Youu Gof Fr. Sc9oter Warrd Yo Goft Awy Sc9ooter Wad You Gotf Awya Ftr. Sco9oter Wadr
Yoh Go5 Awzy Ft.. Sc0oter Wadd Yohu Go5t Awzay Ft Sc0ooter Wadrd Youh Got5 Awazy Ft. Sco0oter Wardd Yo7 Goh Awqy Scloter Wa4d Yo7u Goht Sclooter Wa4rd
You7 Goth Awaqy Scoloter War4d Yok Goy Awsy Scioter Wagd Goyt Sciooter Wagrd Youk Goty Awasy Scoioter Wargd Yoi Go6 Awwy Watd
Go6t Watrd Youi Got6 Awawy Scotoer Wartd Yo8 Gog Awxy Scokter Wa5d Yo8u Gogt Awxay Wa5rd You8 Gotg Awaxy Scookter War5d
Yoj Gor Awayy Sco9ter Wafd Yoju Gort Awa Wafrd Youj Gotr Away Scoo9ter Warfd Yoy Awag Sco0ter Waed

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