The Dateless Losers

My friends and I we're a bunch of geeks

so none of us has got a date at the end of the week

and if there's no cool hip punk rock show

Denny, Robin, and Woodsy's house is the place that we go

Dateless losers we don't care

if our pathetic love lives go nowhere

No matter where my life has led

I still have a "L" stuck to my forehead

We are the dateless losers

and even though I can't get a date

I've got somewhere to be tonight

We sit around and eat ice cream

crack jokes and watch really bad T.V.

and if you're a dateless loser too

then startin' a dateless loser club is the only thing left to do

Mirror lyrics:

then startin' a dateless loser club is the only thing left to do

and if you're a dateless loser too

crack jokes and watch really bad T.V.

We sit around and eat ice cream

I've got somewhere to be tonight

and even though I can't get a date

We are the dateless losers

I still have a "L" stuck to my forehead

No matter where my life has led

if our pathetic love lives go nowhere

Dateless losers we don't care

Denny, Robin, and Woodsy's house is the place that we go

and if there's no cool hip punk rock show

so none of us has got a date at the end of the week

My friends and I we're a bunch of geeks

Relevant Tags:
TThe DDateless LLosers he ateless osers hTe aDteless oLsers fhe xateless kosers fThe xDateless kLosers Tfhe Dxateless Lkosers
5he eateless oosers 5The eDateless oLosers T5he Deateless Loosers hhe fateless posers hThe fDateless pLosers Thhe Dfateless Lposers
yhe rateless yThe rDateless Lsers Tyhe Drateless Lsoers 6he cateless Lksers 6The cDateless T6he Dcateless Loksers
ghe sateless L9sers gThe sDateless L9osers Tghe Dsateless Lo9sers rhe Daateless L0sers rThe Dteless L0osers Trhe Dtaeless Lo0sers
Dzteless Llsers Te Dzateless Llosers Teh Dazteless Lolsers Tje Dqteless Lisers Tjhe Dqateless Liosers Thje Daqteless Loisers
Tue Dsteless Lossers Tuhe Loers Thue Dasteless Loesrs Tne Dwteless Lozers Tnhe Dwateless Lozsers Thne Dawteless Loszers
Tbe Dxteless Lowers Tbhe Lowsers Thbe Daxteless Loswers Tge Datteless Loders Daeless Lodsers Thge Daetless Losders
Tye Dafeless Loeers Dafteless Loesers Thye Datfeless Loseers Thee Da5eless Loxers Th Da5teless Loxsers The Dat5eless Losxers
Ths Daheless Loaers Thse Dahteless Loasers Thes Datheless Losaers Th3 Dayeless Th3e Dayteless Losrs The3 Datyeless Losres
Thf Da6eless Lossrs Thfe Da6teless Thef Dat6eless Losesrs Thr Dageless Los3rs Thre Dagteless Los3ers Ther Datgeless Lose3rs
Th4 Dareless Losfrs Th4e Darteless Losfers The4 Datreless Losefrs Thd Dateeless Losrrs Thde Datless Losrers Thed Datleess Loserrs
Thw Datsless Los4rs Thwe Datseless Los4ers Thew Datesless Lose4rs Dat3less Losdrs Dat3eless Date3less Losedrs
Datfless Loswrs

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