I Wanna Be Your Driver

Wanna be your driver, wanna be your driver

I'd love to ride you, love to ride you around

We'll be ready when you want me to

Drive you on downtown

I wanna drive your, your long and beautiful

Your rounded body, wheel-to-roll limousine

I've never had the thrill of riding

Such a wonderful machine

Roll around the mountain, down in the valley

Drive you all over, ride you home with ease

You will enjoy every journey

It will be my aim to please

Let me be your driver, let me be your driver

I'd love to ride you, love to ride you downtown

Drive you so slow and easy

You won't wanna put me down

Mirror lyrics:

You won't wanna put me down

Drive you so slow and easy

I'd love to ride you, love to ride you downtown

Let me be your driver, let me be your driver

It will be my aim to please

You will enjoy every journey

Drive you all over, ride you home with ease

Roll around the mountain, down in the valley

Such a wonderful machine

I've never had the thrill of riding

Your rounded body, wheel-to-roll limousine

I wanna drive your, your long and beautiful

Drive you on downtown

We'll be ready when you want me to

I'd love to ride you, love to ride you around

Wanna be your driver, wanna be your driver

Relevant Tags:
II WWanna BBe YYour DDriver anna e our river I aWnna eB oYur rDiver j aanna ve gour xriver jI aWanna vBe gYour xDriver Ij Waanna Bve Ygour Dxriver
9 3anna ge hour eriver 9I 3Wanna gBe hYour eDriver I9 W3anna Bge Yhour Deriver l danna ne 6our friver lI dWanna nBe 6Your fDriver Il Wdanna Bne Y6our Dfriver
o eanna he uour rriver oI eWanna hBe uYour rDriver Io Weanna Bhe Yuour Drriver k sanna Bee 7our criver kI sWanna B 7Your cDriver Ik Wsanna Be Y7our Dcriver
8 2anna Bs jour sriver 8I 2Wanna Bse jYour sDriver I8 W2anna Bes Yjour Dsriver u qanna B3 tour uI qWanna B3e tYour Diver Iu Wqanna Be3 Ytour Dirver
Bf Yoour Ddiver Wnna Bfe Yur Ddriver Wnana Bef Yuor Drdiver Wznna Br Ykur D4iver Wzanna Bre Ykour D4river Waznna Ber Yokur Dr4iver
Wqnna B4 Y9ur Dgiver B4e Y9our Dgriver Waqnna Be4 Yo9ur Drgiver Wsnna Bd Y0ur Dtiver Bde Y0our Dtriver Wasnna Bed Yo0ur Drtiver
Wwnna Bw Ylur D5iver Wwanna Bwe Ylour D5river Wawnna Bew Yolur Dr5iver Wxnna Yiur Dfiver Wxanna Yiour Waxnna Yoiur Drfiver
Wannna Youur Deiver Wana Yor Wanna Yoru Dreiver Wamna Yohr Driiver Wamnna Yohur Drver Wanmna Youhr Drvier
Wahna Yo7r Drjver Wahnna Yo7ur Drjiver Wanhna You7r Drijver Wajna Yokr Dr9ver Wajnna Dr9iver Wanjna Youkr Dri9ver
Wabna Yoir Drlver Wabnna Drliver Wanbna Youir Drilver Yo8r Drover Yo8ur Droiver Wanan You8r Driover
Wanma Yojr Drkver Yojur Drkiver

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