You'll Know When The Right Boy Comes Along

My mother told me the day would come
When I would want to love someone
She sat me down on her knee
& this is what she said to me:

She said "You'll know when the right boy comes along
You won't necessarily be weak or strong
Your heart'll skip & your knees'll get weak
Oh you'll know he's the one when you hear him speak
& the first time he tells you you're gonna know
He was well worth waiting for
Don't you worry, now don't you cry, don't you worry"

She said "You'll know when the right boy comes along
You won't necessarily be weak or strong"
Will he be mine? I wanna know if the boy to find
"& the only way you'll know if his love is true
Is when he's gonna tell you he'll love only you
So don't you worry, now don't you cry, don't you worry"

"All the stars in the sky gonna shine very bright
All the night in his arms hold you tight
Chapel bells gonna ring & the birds gonna sing
So till you're asking older days (remember what your mama say)"

(repeat verse 1)

(repeat & fade):
Don't you worry, now don't you cry,

Mirror lyrics:

Don't you worry, now don't you cry,
(repeat & fade):

(repeat verse 1)

So till you're asking older days (remember what your mama say)"
Chapel bells gonna ring & the birds gonna sing
All the night in his arms hold you tight
"All the stars in the sky gonna shine very bright

So don't you worry, now don't you cry, don't you worry"
Is when he's gonna tell you he'll love only you
"& the only way you'll know if his love is true
Will he be mine? I wanna know if the boy to find
You won't necessarily be weak or strong"
She said "You'll know when the right boy comes along

Don't you worry, now don't you cry, don't you worry"
He was well worth waiting for
& the first time he tells you you're gonna know
Oh you'll know he's the one when you hear him speak
Your heart'll skip & your knees'll get weak
You won't necessarily be weak or strong
She said "You'll know when the right boy comes along

& this is what she said to me:
She sat me down on her knee
When I would want to love someone
My mother told me the day would come

Relevant Tags:
YYou'll KKnow WWhen TThe RRight BBoy CComes AAlong ou'll now hen he ight oy omes long oYu'll nKow hWen hTe iRght oBy oCmes lAong
gou'll lnow ahen fhe dight voy fomes zlong gYou'll lKnow aWhen fThe dRight vBoy fComes zAlong Ygou'll Klnow Wahen Tfhe Rdight Bvoy Cfomes Azlong
hou'll onow 3hen 5he 4ight goy xomes qlong hYou'll oKnow 3When 5The 4Right gBoy xComes qAlong Yhou'll Konow W3hen T5he R4ight Bgoy Cxomes Aqlong
6ou'll mnow dhen hhe gight noy vomes slong 6You'll mKnow dWhen hThe gRight nBoy vComes sAlong Y6ou'll Kmnow Wdhen Thhe Rgight Bnoy Cvomes Aslong
uou'll jnow ehen yhe tight hoy domes wlong uYou'll jKnow eWhen yThe tRight hBoy dComes wAlong Yuou'll Kjnow Wehen Tyhe Rtight Bhoy Cdomes Awlong
7ou'll inow shen 6he 5ight Booy Coomes xlong 7You'll iKnow sWhen 6The 5Right By Cmes xAlong Y7ou'll Kinow Wshen T6he R5ight Byo Cmoes Axlong
jou'll Knnow 2hen ghe fight Bky Ckmes Allong jYou'll Kow 2When gThe fRight Bkoy Ckomes Aong Yjou'll Konw W2hen Tghe Rfight Boky Cokmes Aolng
tou'll Kmow qhen rhe eight B9y C9mes Akong tYou'll qWhen rThe eRight B9oy C9omes Aklong Ytou'll Knmow Wqhen Trhe Reight Bo9y Co9mes Alkong
Yoou'll Khow Whhen Riight B0y C0mes Aoong Yu'll Khnow Wen Te Rght B0oy C0omes Aolong Yuo'll Knhow Wehn Teh Rgiht Bo0y Co0mes Aloong
Yku'll Kjow Wjen Tje Rjght Bly Clmes Apong Ykou'll Wjhen Tjhe Rjight Bloy Clomes Aplong Yoku'll Knjow Whjen Thje Rijght Boly Colmes Alpong
Y9u'll Kbow Wuen Tue R9ght Biy Cimes Y9ou'll Kbnow Wuhen Tuhe R9ight Bioy Ciomes Alng Yo9u'll Knbow Whuen Thue Ri9ght Boiy Coimes Alnog
Y0u'll Knoow Wnen Tne Rlght Boyy Commes Alkng Y0ou'll Knw Wnhen Tnhe Rlight Bo Coes Yo0u'll Knwo Whnen Thne Rilght Boy Coems Alokng
Ylu'll Knkw Wben Tbe Roght Bog Cojes Al9ng Ylou'll Knkow Wbhen Tbhe Roight Bogy Cojmes Al9ong Yolu'll Knokw Whben Thbe Rioght Boyg Comjes Alo9ng
Yiu'll Kn9w Wgen Tge Rkght Boh Cokes Al0ng Yiou'll Kn9ow Wghen Rkight Bohy Al0ong Yoiu'll Kno9w Whgen Thge Rikght Boyh Comkes Alo0ng
Youu'll Kn0w Wyen Tye R8ght Bo6 Cones Allng Yo'll Kn0ow Wyhen R8ight Bo6y Conmes Yo'ull Kno0w Whyen Thye Ri8ght Boy6 Comnes Alolng
Yoh'll Knlw Wheen Thee Rught Bou Comees Aling Yohu'll Knlow Whn Th Ruight Bouy Coms Aliong Youh'll Knolw Whne The Riught Boyu Comse Aloing
Yo7'll Kniw Whsn Ths Rigght Bo7 Comss Alonng Yo7u'll Kniow Whsen Thse Riht Bo7y Comses Alog You7'll Knoiw Whesn Thes Rihgt Boy7 Comess Alogn
Yok'll Knoww Wh3n Th3 Rihht Boj Com3s Alomg Kno Wh3en Th3e Rihght Bojy Com3es Alomng Youk'll Know Whe3n The3 Righht Boyj Come3s Alonmg

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