Silent Opera
Morning Star (season Of Mist)

I'm tired to be alone
A king without a land
Surrounded by all wickedness men do
Since the beginning of time
All evil is my fault
And you keep to come here
There's nothing I can do

I'm tired to be the one
The keeper of the keys
The witness of your cruelty and disgrace
I will change heaven for hell
I will free all of you
Now it's just up to you
To stay or go away

Morningstar Fallen Angel
No one will trade his place with you

Morningstar Fallen Angel
Not even gods are brave enough
To watch the borders of your kingdom

I'm going to give it up
I'm going to walk away
I'm going to leave this emptiness behind
I'm not the guardian no more
Your souls belong to you
And whose side you are on
It's your decision

Morningstar Fallen Angel
No one will trade his place with you

Morningstar Fallen Angel
Not even gods are brave enough
To watch the borders of your kingdom

Mirror lyrics:

To watch the borders of your kingdom
Not even gods are brave enough
Morningstar Fallen Angel

No one will trade his place with you
Morningstar Fallen Angel

It's your decision
And whose side you are on
Your souls belong to you
I'm not the guardian no more
I'm going to leave this emptiness behind
I'm going to walk away
I'm going to give it up

To watch the borders of your kingdom
Not even gods are brave enough
Morningstar Fallen Angel

No one will trade his place with you
Morningstar Fallen Angel

To stay or go away
Now it's just up to you
I will free all of you
I will change heaven for hell
The witness of your cruelty and disgrace
The keeper of the keys
I'm tired to be the one

There's nothing I can do
And you keep to come here
All evil is my fault
Since the beginning of time
Surrounded by all wickedness men do
A king without a land
I'm tired to be alone

Relevant Tags:
MMorning SStar ((season OOf MMist) orning tar season f ist) oMrning tSar s(eason fO iMst) jorning ztar (sseason kf jist) jMorning zStar (eason kOf jMist)
Mjorning Sztar (esason Okf Mjist) korning wtar (zeason 9f kist) kMorning wStar (zseason 9Of kMist) Mkorning Swtar (szeason O9f Mkist) norning dtar (weason 0f nist)
nMorning dStar (wseason 0Of nMist) Mnorning Sdtar (sweason O0f Mnist) Moorning etar (deason lf Miist) Mrning eStar (dseason lOf Mst) Mroning Setar (sdeason Olf Msit)
Mkrning xtar (eeason if Mjst) xStar (eseason iOf Mokrning Sxtar (seeason Oif Mijst) M9rning atar (xeason Off M9st) M9orning aStar (xseason O M9ist)
Mo9rning Satar (sxeason Of Mi9st) M0rning Sttar (aeason Oc Mlst) M0orning Sar (aseason Ocf Mlist) Mo0rning Satr (saeason Ofc Milst) Mlrning Sfar Or Most)
Mlorning Sftar (sason Orf Moist) Molrning Stfar (saeson Ofr Miost) Mirning S5ar (ssason Og Mkst) Miorning S5tar Ogf Moirning St5ar (sesason Ofg Mikst)
Morrning Shar (s3ason Ot M8st) Moning Shtar (s3eason Otf M8ist) Monring Sthar (se3ason Oft Mi8st) Modning Syar (sfason Ov Must) Modrning Sytar (sfeason Ovf Muist)
Mordning Styar (sefason Ofv Miust) Mo4ning S6ar (srason Od Misst) Mo4rning S6tar (sreason Odf Mit) Mor4ning St6ar (serason Ofd Mits) Mogning Sgar (s4ason Mizt)
Mogrning Sgtar (s4eason Mizst) Morgning Stgar (se4ason Miszt) Motning Srar (sdason Miwt) Motrning Srtar Miwst) Mortning Strar (sedason Miswt)
Mo5ning Staar (swason Midt) Mo5rning Str Midst) Mor5ning Stra (sewason Misdt) Mofning Stzr (seaason Miet) Mofrning Stzar (seson Miest)
Morfning Stazr (sesaon Miset) Moening Stqr (sezson Mixt) Moerning Stqar (sezason Mixst) Morening Staqr (seazson Misxt) Mornning Stsr (seqson Miat)
Moring Stsar (seqason Miast) Morinng Stasr (seaqson Misat) Morming Stwr (sesson Mistt) Mormning Stwar Mis) Mornming Stawr (seasson Mis)t
Morhing Stxr (sewson Misf) Morhning Stxar Misft)

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