Flame Still Burns

And all the dreams I've ever felt
Failing to reach or comprehend
The essence of you...

And all the times I've feared for you
I've shut the door and passed right through
The flame burns for you

The emptiness in me
Was filled with you within
All the hope you sowed in us
I've crushed and turned to dust

My Flame still burns
Hurting you, I'm bleeding too

With every breath I breathe
With every sight I see
Yet whence I am falling down
You've put your arms around

My flame still burnsHurting you,
I'm bleeding too

Beneath the hollow skies
Your gentle, sunken smile
Slow sway of your white breast
Slumbering breath upon my chest
I've shattered, ripped and torn
But still you came for more
All the pain I've put you through

My flame still burns for you
My flame still burns
Hurting you, I'm bleeding too

Mirror lyrics:

Hurting you, I'm bleeding too
My flame still burns
My flame still burns for you

All the pain I've put you through
But still you came for more
I've shattered, ripped and torn
Slumbering breath upon my chest
Slow sway of your white breast
Your gentle, sunken smile
Beneath the hollow skies

I'm bleeding too
My flame still burnsHurting you,

You've put your arms around
Yet whence I am falling down
With every sight I see
With every breath I breathe

Hurting you, I'm bleeding too
My Flame still burns

I've crushed and turned to dust
All the hope you sowed in us
Was filled with you within
The emptiness in me

The flame burns for you
I've shut the door and passed right through
And all the times I've feared for you

The essence of you...
Failing to reach or comprehend
And all the dreams I've ever felt

Relevant Tags:
FFlame SStill BBurns lame till urns lFame tSill uBrns clame ztill vurns cFlame zStill vBurns Fclame Sztill Bvurns
rlame wtill gurns rFlame wStill gBurns Frlame Swtill Bgurns glame dtill nurns gFlame dStill nBurns Fglame Sdtill Bnurns
tlame etill hurns tFlame eStill hBurns Ftlame Setill Bhurns vlame xtill Buurns vFlame xStill Brns Fvlame Sxtill Bruns
dlame atill Bhrns dFlame aStill Fdlame Satill Buhrns Fllame Sttill B7rns Fame Sill B7urns Falme Sitll Bu7rns
Fkame Sfill Bkrns Fklame Sftill Bkurns Flkame Stfill Bukrns Foame S5ill Birns Folame S5till Biurns Floame St5ill Buirns
Fpame Shill B8rns Fplame Shtill B8urns Flpame Sthill Bu8rns Flaame Syill Bjrns Flme Sytill Bjurns Flmae Styill Bujrns
Flzme S6ill Byrns Flzame S6till Byurns Flazme St6ill Buyrns Flqme Sgill Burrns Flqame Sgtill Buns Flaqme Stgill Bunrs
Flsme Srill Budns Flsame Srtill Budrns Flasme Strill Burdns Flwme Stiill Bu4ns Flwame Stll Bu4rns Flawme Stlil Bur4ns
Flxme Stjll Bugns

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