Silent Fall
Play With Fire

these waves ripple in front of my eyes
And I fell the heat deep inside
This dance of colours so fascinating
Put a spell on me

This force has a power
That noone can explain
And this light is still dancing
And captivates me

Now it's too late because the match has been strucked
You should run away
If only you had known earlier who I am
But now it's too late

Pyromaniac Rage oiling in the blood of my veins

Don't try to stand in my way cause I play with fire
You will rejoin ahes cause I play with fire

These waves ripple in front of my eyes
And I fell the heat deep inside
But the day of your has come
You'll be ready for urn

This force can't be out out
Why do you try to pray
Soon your body will be burning
I'll put you to the torch

Mirror lyrics:

I'll put you to the torch
Soon your body will be burning
Why do you try to pray
This force can't be out out

You'll be ready for urn
But the day of your has come
And I fell the heat deep inside
These waves ripple in front of my eyes

You will rejoin ahes cause I play with fire
Don't try to stand in my way cause I play with fire

Pyromaniac Rage oiling in the blood of my veins

But now it's too late
If only you had known earlier who I am
You should run away
Now it's too late because the match has been strucked

And captivates me
And this light is still dancing
That noone can explain
This force has a power

Put a spell on me
This dance of colours so fascinating
And I fell the heat deep inside
these waves ripple in front of my eyes

Relevant Tags:
PPlay WWith FFire lay ith ire lPay iWth iFre 0lay aith cire 0Play aWith cFire P0lay Waith Fcire llay 3ith rire lPlay 3With rFire
Pllay W3ith Frire olay dith gire oPlay dWith gFire Polay Wdith Fgire eith tire Pay eWith tFire Paly Weith Ftire Pkay sith vire
Pklay sWith vFire Plkay Wsith Fvire Poay 2ith dire 2With dFire Ploay W2ith Fdire Ppay qith Fiire Pplay qWith Fre Plpay Wqith Frie
Plaay Wiith Fjre Ply Wth Fjire Plya Wtih Fijre Plzy Wjth F9re Plzay Wjith F9ire Plazy Wijth Fi9re Plqy W9th Flre Plqay W9ith Flire
Plaqy Wi9th Filre Plsy Wlth Fore Plsay Wlith Foire Plasy Wilth Fiore Plwy Woth Fkre Plway Woith Fkire Plawy Wioth Fikre Plxy Wkth F8re
Plxay Wkith F8ire Plaxy Wikth Fi8re Playy W8th Fure Pla W8ith Fuire Play Wi8th Fiure

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