Silence 4

We are air
Quiet sorrounding ourselves
We don't even think about us
We don't consider ourselves as beings
Our eyes are open
We confirm
There is nothing over there
We must grab some air

(Oh air)
Air is not there
We are air
Air is not there
There is nothing over

When we move
Realise we were never alone
We can't feel us push us as
If we were trying to push ourselves
Air in motion can't be stopped...but it is
Easily oriented in any direction

(Oh air)
Air is not there
We are air
Air is not there
There is nothing over

Trying to see
Each other but we are entirely see through
Need to breathe a different one
Who is just like me
Cause I'm the one who deserves to live...but I can't say
Maybe you
Maybe you do too
Until I see you

(Oh air)
Air is not there
We are air
Air is not there
There is nothing over

Mirror lyrics:

There is nothing over
Air is not there
We are air
Air is not there
(Oh air)

Until I see you
Maybe you do too
Maybe you
Cause I'm the one who deserves to live...but I can't say
Who is just like me
Need to breathe a different one
Each other but we are entirely see through
Trying to see

There is nothing over
Air is not there
We are air
Air is not there
(Oh air)

Easily oriented in any direction
Air in motion can't be stopped...but it is
If we were trying to push ourselves
We can't feel us push us as
Realise we were never alone
When we move

There is nothing over
Air is not there
We are air
Air is not there
(Oh air)

We must grab some air
There is nothing over there
We confirm
Our eyes are open
We don't consider ourselves as beings
We don't even think about us
Quiet sorrounding ourselves
We are air

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