Silver Jews
Suffering Jukebox

planes on the downtown skyline is a sight to see for some
it ought to make a few reputations in the cult of number one
while these seconds turn these minutes into hours of the day
all these doubles drive the dollars and the light of day away

suffering jukebox such a sad machine
your filled up with what other people need
and they never seem to turn you up loud
there are a lot of chatterboxes in this crowd

suffering jukebox in a happy town
you're over in the corner breaking down
they always seem to keep you way down low
the people in this town don't want to know

well I guess all that mad misery must make it seem to true to you
but money lights your world up, you're trapped what can you do?
you got Tennessee tendencies and chemical dependencies
you make the same old jokes and malaprops on cue

suffering jukebox such a sad machine
your filled up with what other people need
hardship, damnation and guilt
make you wonder why you were even built

suffering jukebox in a happy town
you're over in the corner breaking down
they always seem to keep you way down low
the people in this town don't want to know

Mirror lyrics:

the people in this town don't want to know
they always seem to keep you way down low
you're over in the corner breaking down
suffering jukebox in a happy town

make you wonder why you were even built
hardship, damnation and guilt
your filled up with what other people need
suffering jukebox such a sad machine

you make the same old jokes and malaprops on cue
you got Tennessee tendencies and chemical dependencies
but money lights your world up, you're trapped what can you do?
well I guess all that mad misery must make it seem to true to you

the people in this town don't want to know
they always seem to keep you way down low
you're over in the corner breaking down
suffering jukebox in a happy town

there are a lot of chatterboxes in this crowd
and they never seem to turn you up loud
your filled up with what other people need
suffering jukebox such a sad machine

all these doubles drive the dollars and the light of day away
while these seconds turn these minutes into hours of the day
it ought to make a few reputations in the cult of number one
planes on the downtown skyline is a sight to see for some

Relevant Tags:
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Shffering Jhkebox Shuffering Suhffering Juhkebox S7ffering J7kebox S7uffering J7ukebox Su7ffering Ju7kebox
Skffering Jkkebox Skuffering Sukffering Jukkebox Siffering Jikebox Siuffering Suiffering Juikebox
S8ffering J8kebox S8uffering J8ukebox Su8ffering Ju8kebox Sjffering Jjkebox Sjuffering Jjukebox Sujffering Jujkebox
Syffering Jykebox Syuffering Jyukebox Suyffering Juykebox Sufffering Sufering Juebox Suffering Juekbox
Sucfering Julebox Sucffering Julkebox Sufcfering Juklebox Surfering Juoebox Surffering Juokebox Sufrfering Jukoebox
Sugfering Jumebox Sugffering Jumkebox Sufgfering Jukmebox Sutfering Jujebox Sutffering Suftfering Jukjebox
Suvfering Juiebox Suvffering Sufvfering Jukiebox Sudfering Jukeebox Sudffering Jukbox Sufdfering Jukbeox
Juksbox Juksebox Sufefring Jukesbox Sufcering Juk3box Juk3ebox Suffcering Juke3box
Sufrering Jukfbox Jukfebox Suffrering Jukefbox Sufgering Jukrbox Jukrebox Suffgering Jukerbox
Suftering Juk4box Juk4ebox Sufftering Juke4box Sufvering Jukdbox Jukdebox Suffvering Jukedbox
Sufdering Jukwbox Jukwebox Suffdering Jukewbox Suffeering Jukebbox

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