Shannon Noll
All I Want Is More

And it feels like rain, like yesterday
And the clouds roll in, the sunlight fades away again
And i'm so damn sure, i'm gonna close that door
You'll be the first to know
When i've found what i'm looking for

I want to run with the sun on my face
Ride a train to nowhere, any place
Feel the thrill of the chase
Stand where i've never stood before
All i want is more

So here i go, just me and the radio
Down open roads, don't know where i'm going
Anywhere, i don't care


I owe it to myself, not to follow someone else
Not to turn around
And ever think of going back now


Mirror lyrics:


And ever think of going back now
Not to turn around
I owe it to myself, not to follow someone else


Anywhere, i don't care
Down open roads, don't know where i'm going
So here i go, just me and the radio

All i want is more
Stand where i've never stood before
Feel the thrill of the chase
Ride a train to nowhere, any place
I want to run with the sun on my face

When i've found what i'm looking for
You'll be the first to know
And i'm so damn sure, i'm gonna close that door
And the clouds roll in, the sunlight fades away again
And it feels like rain, like yesterday

Relevant Tags:
AAll II WWant IIs MMore ll ant s ore lAl I aWnt sI oMre zll j aant js jore zAll jI aWant jIs jMore Azll Ij Waant Ijs Mjore
qll 9 3ant 9s kore qAll 9I 3Want 9Is kMore Aqll I9 W3ant I9s Mkore sll l dant ls nore sAll lI dWant lIs nMore Asll Il Wdant Ils Mnore
wll o eant os Moore wAll oI eWant oIs Mre Awll Io Weant Ios Mroe xll k sant ks Mkre xAll kI sWant kIs Axll Ik Wsant Iks Mokre
Alll 8 2ant 8s M9re Al 8I 2Want 8Is M9ore All I8 W2ant I8s Mo9re Akl u qant us M0re Akll uI qWant uIs M0ore Alkl Iu Wqant Ius Mo0re
Aol Iss Mlre Aoll Wnt I Mlore Alol Wnat Is Molre Apl Wznt Iz Mire Apll Wzant Izs Miore Alpl Waznt Isz Moire
Wqnt Iw Morre Iws Moe Waqnt Isw Moer Alk Wsnt Id Mode Ids Modre Allk Wasnt Isd Morde
Alo Wwnt Ie Mo4e Wwant Ies Mo4re Allo Wawnt Ise Mor4e

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