Shannon Noll
Crashing Down

Why, why do you make it so hard
To stop the rain
Tell me why do you paint every picture in black
And filled with pain

When your life is in color, we find one another
But you push me away

When it all comes crashing down
And I take a look around
Oh, you are all I see, nothing in between
Just you and me

Still I die from the look of distain in your eyes
And I can't speak
How many times must I walk on this sharp broken glass
And turn the other cheek

'Cause when it all comes crashing down
And I take a look around
Oh, you are all I see, nothing in between

It's like your tempting fate
To fall and if I'm gone in the daylight
You know I'll stay right here with you
And it's so hard to carry both of us through
When it all comes crashing down
When it all comes crashing down

Mirror lyrics:

When it all comes crashing down
When it all comes crashing down
And it's so hard to carry both of us through
You know I'll stay right here with you
To fall and if I'm gone in the daylight
It's like your tempting fate

Oh, you are all I see, nothing in between
And I take a look around
'Cause when it all comes crashing down

And turn the other cheek
How many times must I walk on this sharp broken glass
And I can't speak
Still I die from the look of distain in your eyes

Just you and me
Oh, you are all I see, nothing in between
And I take a look around
When it all comes crashing down

But you push me away
When your life is in color, we find one another

And filled with pain
Tell me why do you paint every picture in black
To stop the rain
Why, why do you make it so hard

Relevant Tags:
CCrashing DDown rashing own rCashing oDwn frashing xown fCrashing xDown Cfrashing Dxown xrashing eown xCrashing eDown Cxrashing Deown
vrashing fown vCrashing fDown Cvrashing Dfown drashing rown dCrashing rDown Cdrashing Drown Crrashing cown Cashing cDown Carshing Dcown
Cdashing sown sDown Crdashing Dsown C4ashing Doown C4rashing Dwn Cr4ashing Dwon Cgashing Dkwn Cgrashing Dkown Crgashing Dokwn
Ctashing D9wn Ctrashing D9own Crtashing Do9wn C5ashing D0wn C5rashing D0own Cr5ashing Do0wn Cfashing Dlwn Dlown Crfashing Dolwn
Ceashing Diwn Cerashing Diown Creashing Doiwn Craashing Dowwn Crshing Don Crsahing Donw Crzshing Doan Crzashing Doawn Crazshing Dowan
Crqshing Do3n Crqashing Do3wn Craqshing Dow3n Crsshing Dodn Crsashing Dodwn Crasshing Dowdn Crwshing Doen Crwashing Doewn Crawshing Dowen
Crxshing Dosn Crxashing Doswn Craxshing Dowsn Do2n Crahing Do2wn Crahsing Dow2n Crazhing Doqn Doqwn Craszhing Dowqn
Crawhing Downn Dow Craswhing Down Cradhing Dowm Cradshing Dowmn Crasdhing Downm Craehing Dowh Craeshing Dowhn Crasehing Downh
Craxhing Dowj Dowjn

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