Shania Twain
When He Leaves You

I come here as a friend
Though I don't really know you
I know you're in love with him
And he's made your world brand new
I know you think he loves you
And he may believe it too
Pour some coffee and I'll tell you
What you'll soon be going through

When he leaves you
It's gonna more than break your heart
When he leaves you
It's gonna tear your world apart
And you're conna cry a million teardrops
One for every shattered dream
When he leaves you
And comes back home to me

I've known him all thses years
Honey this time's not the first time
I've paid for loving him with tears
And when it's over he'll be mine

I can see I've upset you
Guess I'm a fool to try and help
When it comes hearts and heartache
You got to find out for yourself

When he leaves you
It's gonna more than break your heart
When he leaves you
It's gonna tear your world apart
And you're conna cry a million teardrops
One for every shattered dream
When he leaves you
And comes back home to me

When he leaves you
And comes back home to me

Mirror lyrics:

And comes back home to me
When he leaves you

And comes back home to me
When he leaves you
One for every shattered dream
And you're conna cry a million teardrops
It's gonna tear your world apart
When he leaves you
It's gonna more than break your heart
When he leaves you

You got to find out for yourself
When it comes hearts and heartache
Guess I'm a fool to try and help
I can see I've upset you

And when it's over he'll be mine
I've paid for loving him with tears
Honey this time's not the first time
I've known him all thses years

And comes back home to me
When he leaves you
One for every shattered dream
And you're conna cry a million teardrops
It's gonna tear your world apart
When he leaves you
It's gonna more than break your heart
When he leaves you

What you'll soon be going through
Pour some coffee and I'll tell you
And he may believe it too
I know you think he loves you
And he's made your world brand new
I know you're in love with him
Though I don't really know you
I come here as a friend

Relevant Tags:
WWhen HHe LLeaves YYou hen e eaves ou hWen eH eLaves oYu ahen je keaves gou aWhen jHe kLeaves gYou Wahen Hje Lkeaves Ygou
3hen ue oeaves hou 3When uHe oLeaves hYou W3hen Hue Loeaves Yhou dhen ne peaves 6ou dWhen nHe pLeaves 6You Wdhen Hne Lpeaves Y6ou
ehen be Leeaves uou eWhen bHe Laves uYou Wehen Hbe Laeves Yuou shen ge Lsaves 7ou sWhen gHe Lseaves 7You Wshen Hge Lesaves Y7ou
2hen ye L3aves jou 2When yHe L3eaves jYou W2hen Hye Le3aves Yjou qhen Hee Lfaves tou qWhen H Lfeaves tYou Wqhen He Lefaves Ytou
Whhen Hs Lraves Yoou Wen Hse Lreaves Yu Wehn Hes Leraves Yuo Wjen H3 L4aves Yku Wjhen H3e L4eaves Ykou Whjen He3 Le4aves Yoku
Wuen Hf Ldaves Y9u Wuhen Hfe Ldeaves Y9ou Whuen Hef Ledaves Yo9u Wnen Hr Lwaves Y0u Wnhen Hre Lweaves Y0ou Whnen Her Lewaves Yo0u
Wben H4 Leaaves Ylu Wbhen H4e Leves Ylou Whben He4 Levaes Yolu Wgen Hd Lezves Yiu Wghen Hde Lezaves Yiou Whgen Hed Leazves Yoiu
Wyen Hw Leqves Youu Wyhen Hwe Leqaves Yo Whyen Hew Leaqves You Wheen Lesves Yoh Whn Yohu Whne Leasves Youh
Whsn Lewves Yo7 Whsen Yo7u Whesn Leawves You7 Wh3n Lexves Yok Wh3en Lexaves Whe3n Leaxves Youk

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