Shane Piasecki
My Two Cents

Throwing pennies in the wishing well
And I think to myself
If only you were here right now
I try to make believe
Pretend you're here with me
If things ain't what they seem
Well baby we'll work it out

So come back anytime you're ready
Cause I'm ready to be with you

I remember when you said
If it ain't broke don't fix it
If it ain't gone don't miss it
If you believe it's love then don't let them change your mind
Try to find a deeper reason
Time will change to another season
Oh, oh, oh and on and on the story goes

I go to the place where we used to meet
Do you ever go there too, do you ever think of me?
Oh we met on a hot summer day
And it started to rain
Water fell from the sky and down your face

So come back anytime you're ready
Cause I'm ready to be with you

I remember when you said
If it ain't broke don't fix it
If it ain't gone don't miss it
If you believe it's love then don't let them change your mind
Try to find a deeper reason
Time will change to another season
Oh, oh, oh and on and on the story goes
On and on the story goes

If it ain't broke don't fix it
If it ain't gone don't miss it
If you believe it's love then don't let them change your mind
Try to find a deeper reason
Time will change to another season
Oh, oh, oh and on and on the story goes
On and on the story goes

Mirror lyrics:

On and on the story goes
Oh, oh, oh and on and on the story goes
Time will change to another season
Try to find a deeper reason
If you believe it's love then don't let them change your mind
If it ain't gone don't miss it
If it ain't broke don't fix it

On and on the story goes
Oh, oh, oh and on and on the story goes
Time will change to another season
Try to find a deeper reason
If you believe it's love then don't let them change your mind
If it ain't gone don't miss it
If it ain't broke don't fix it
I remember when you said

Cause I'm ready to be with you
So come back anytime you're ready

Water fell from the sky and down your face
And it started to rain
Oh we met on a hot summer day
Do you ever go there too, do you ever think of me?
I go to the place where we used to meet

Oh, oh, oh and on and on the story goes
Time will change to another season
Try to find a deeper reason
If you believe it's love then don't let them change your mind
If it ain't gone don't miss it
If it ain't broke don't fix it
I remember when you said

Cause I'm ready to be with you
So come back anytime you're ready

Well baby we'll work it out
If things ain't what they seem
Pretend you're here with me
I try to make believe
If only you were here right now
And I think to myself
Throwing pennies in the wishing well

Relevant Tags:
MMy TTwo CCents y wo ents yM wTo eCnts jy fwo fents jMy fTwo fCents Mjy Tfwo Cfents ky 5wo xents kMy 5Two xCents Mky T5wo Cxents
ny hwo vents nMy hTwo vCents Mny Thwo Cvents Myy ywo dents M yTwo dCents My Tywo Cdents Mg 6wo Ceents Mgy 6Two Cnts Myg T6wo Cnets
Mh gwo Csnts Mhy gTwo Csents Myh Tgwo Cesnts M6 rwo C3nts M6y rTwo C3ents My6 Trwo Ce3nts Mu Twwo Cfnts Muy To Myu Tow Cefnts
M7 Tao Crnts M7y Tawo Crents My7 Twao Cernts Mj T3o C4nts T3wo C4ents Myj Tw3o Ce4nts Mt Tdo Cdnts Mty Tdwo Myt Twdo Cednts
Teo Cwnts Tewo Cwents Tweo Cewnts Tso Cennts Tswo Cets Twso Cetns T2o Cemts T2wo Cemnts Tw2o Cenmts
Tqo Cehts Tqwo Cehnts Twqo Cenhts

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