Shangri Las
Give Him A Great Big Kiss

The Crystals

Here comes my guy walking down the street
Look how he walks with a dancing beat
Thick wavy hair, a little too long
All day long he's singing his song
And when I see him in the street
My heart takes a leap and skips a beat
Gonna walk right up to him
Give him a great big kiss
Tell him that I love him
Tell him that I care
Tell him that I'll always be there

(Spoken) Well what color are his eyes?
I don't know he's always wearing shades
Is he tall? Well, I've got to look up
Yeah? Well I hear he's bad
MM, he's good bad, but he's not evil

Tell me more, tell me more
Big bulky sweaters to match his eyes
Dirty fingernails
Oh boy what a prize
Tight tapered pants, high button shoes
He's always looking like he's got the blues
And when I see him in the street
My heart takes a leap and skips a beat
Gonna walk right up to him
Give him a great big kiss
Tell him that I love him
Tell him that I care
Tell him that I'll always be there

Mirror lyrics:

Tell him that I'll always be there
Tell him that I care
Tell him that I love him
Give him a great big kiss
Gonna walk right up to him
My heart takes a leap and skips a beat
And when I see him in the street
He's always looking like he's got the blues
Tight tapered pants, high button shoes
Oh boy what a prize
Dirty fingernails
Big bulky sweaters to match his eyes
Tell me more, tell me more

MM, he's good bad, but he's not evil
Yeah? Well I hear he's bad
Is he tall? Well, I've got to look up
I don't know he's always wearing shades
(Spoken) Well what color are his eyes?

Tell him that I'll always be there
Tell him that I care
Tell him that I love him
Give him a great big kiss
Gonna walk right up to him
My heart takes a leap and skips a beat
And when I see him in the street
All day long he's singing his song
Thick wavy hair, a little too long
Look how he walks with a dancing beat
Here comes my guy walking down the street

The Crystals

Relevant Tags:
GGive HHim AA GGreat BBig KKiss ive im reat ig iss iGve iHm A rGeat iBg iKss hive jim z hreat vig liss hGive jHim zA hGreat vBig lKiss
Ghive Hjim Az Ghreat Bvig Kliss yive uim q yreat gig oiss yGive uHim qA yGreat gBig oKiss Gyive Huim Aq Gyreat Bgig Koiss bive nim s breat nig miss
bGive nHim sA bGreat nBig mKiss Gbive Hnim As Gbreat Bnig Kmiss vive bim w vreat hig jiss vGive bHim wA vGreat hBig jKiss Gvive Hbim Aw Gvreat Bhig Kjiss
five gim x freat Biig iiss fGive gHim xA fGreat Bg iKiss Gfive Hgim Ax Gfreat Bgi Kiiss tive yim treat Bjg tGive yHim tGreat Bjig Kss
Gtive Hyim Gtreat Bijg Ksis Giive Hiim Grreat B9g Kjss Gve Hm Geat B9ig Gvie Hmi Gerat Bi9g Kijss Gjve Hjm Gdeat Blg K9ss
Gjive Gdreat Blig K9iss Gijve Hijm Grdeat Bilg Ki9ss G9ve H9m G4eat Bog Klss G9ive H9im G4reat Boig Gi9ve Hi9m Gr4eat Biog Kilss
Glve Hlm Ggeat Bkg Koss Glive Hlim Ggreat Bkig Gilve Hilm Grgeat Bikg Kioss Gove Hom Gteat B8g Kkss Goive Hoim B8ig Kkiss
Giove Hiom Grteat Bi8g Kikss Gkve Hkm G5eat Bug K8ss Gkive Hkim G5reat Buig K8iss Gikve Hikm Gr5eat Biug Ki8ss G8ve H8m Gfeat Bigg Kuss
G8ive H8im Bi Kuiss Gi8ve Hi8m Grfeat Big Kiuss Guve Hum Geeat Bih Kisss Guive Gereat Bihg Kis Giuve Hium Greeat Bigh Kiss
Givve Himm Biy Kizs Gie Hi Grat Biyg Kizss Giev Him Graet Bigy Kiszs Gibe Hij Grsat Bib Kiws Gibve Grseat Bibg Kiwss
Givbe Himj Gresat Bigb Kisws

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