Sheena Easton
Take My Time

When I was young, people used to say
Someday the right one will come your way
Could be tomorrow, could be today
But when he does, you'll know it right away, till then I'll

Take my time, lookin' for the right one, I need a lover that stays around
I'm gonna take my time, lookin' for the right one
I need somebody to tie me down

And so I waited patiently, will it be like my fantasy
The only problem I can't foresee, will I find him or will he find me
And if he does, will he understand, that I've the future already planned
And I'll do everything that I can
Won't take no chances, won't show my hand, I'm gonna


Oooh, I need a lover, oooh, to tie me down, oooh, I need a lover around

(Instrumental break)

I'm gonna....

(chorus repeats out)

Mirror lyrics:

(chorus repeats out)

I'm gonna....

(Instrumental break)

Oooh, I need a lover, oooh, to tie me down, oooh, I need a lover around


Won't take no chances, won't show my hand, I'm gonna
And I'll do everything that I can
And if he does, will he understand, that I've the future already planned
The only problem I can't foresee, will I find him or will he find me
And so I waited patiently, will it be like my fantasy

I need somebody to tie me down
I'm gonna take my time, lookin' for the right one
Take my time, lookin' for the right one, I need a lover that stays around

But when he does, you'll know it right away, till then I'll
Could be tomorrow, could be today
Someday the right one will come your way
When I was young, people used to say

Relevant Tags:
TTake MMy TTime ake y ime aTke yM iTme fake jy fime fTake jMy fTime Tfake Mjy Tfime 5ake ky 5ime 5Take kMy 5Time T5ake Mky T5ime
hake ny hime hTake nMy hTime Thake Mny Thime yake Myy yime yTake M yTime Tyake My Tyime 6ake Mg 6ime 6Take Mgy 6Time T6ake Myg T6ime
gake Mh gime gTake Mhy gTime Tgake Myh Tgime rake M6 rime rTake M6y rTime Trake My6 Trime Taake Mu Tiime Tke Muy Tme Tkae Myu Tmie
Tzke M7 Tjme Tzake M7y Tjime Tazke My7 Tijme Tqke Mj T9me Tqake T9ime Taqke Myj Ti9me Tske Mt Tlme Tsake Mty Tlime Taske Myt Tilme
Twke Tome Twake Toime Tawke Tiome Txke Tkme Txake Tkime Taxke Tikme

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