Good Together (bucket And Chicken)

You got the bucket, baby
I got the chicken
You got the Smith and Wesson
I got the ammunition
Maybe we could shoot the town
Or sit around finger lickin' yeah

Alone we're not half bad
But we could be a whole lot better
Anybody knows us, knows we're good together
Just a little sliver of sunlight in stormy weather
Like a tear in my beer, we're good together
Good together(er,er,er,errrr)

You're a pesky little fly
I'm the pink plastic swatter
You're a back seat kinda guy
And I'm the bishop's daughter
A steamin' jalapeno
Think i need a drink of water

(Repeat Chorus)

Let's have a little mixer, a little pick-her-upper
An all night, hold me tight, candlelight supper
No daddy, no mamma, no sister, no brother
Just you and me, a pod and a pea
we compliment each other
Oh yeah, we're good together

Come on baby
Turn me on
I'll turn up the radio
Beneath the velvet Elvis
We can dance just like Jessco
Twirl me like a trailer park in a tornado

(Repeat Chorus)

Good together

Mirror lyrics:

Good together

(Repeat Chorus)

Twirl me like a trailer park in a tornado
We can dance just like Jessco
Beneath the velvet Elvis
I'll turn up the radio
Turn me on
Come on baby

Oh yeah, we're good together
we compliment each other
Just you and me, a pod and a pea
No daddy, no mamma, no sister, no brother
An all night, hold me tight, candlelight supper
Let's have a little mixer, a little pick-her-upper

(Repeat Chorus)

Think i need a drink of water
A steamin' jalapeno
And I'm the bishop's daughter
You're a back seat kinda guy
I'm the pink plastic swatter
You're a pesky little fly

Good together(er,er,er,errrr)
Like a tear in my beer, we're good together
Just a little sliver of sunlight in stormy weather
Anybody knows us, knows we're good together
But we could be a whole lot better
Alone we're not half bad

Or sit around finger lickin' yeah
Maybe we could shoot the town
I got the ammunition
You got the Smith and Wesson
I got the chicken
You got the bucket, baby

Relevant Tags:
GGood TTogether ((bucket AAnd CChicken) ood ogether bucket nd hicken) oGod oTgether b(ucket nAd hCicken) hood fogether (bbucket znd fhicken) hGood fTogether (ucket zAnd fChicken)
Ghood Tfogether (ubcket Aznd Cfhicken) yood 5ogether (vucket qnd xhicken) yGood 5Together (vbucket qAnd xChicken) Gyood T5ogether (bvucket Aqnd Cxhicken) bood hogether (gucket snd vhicken)
bGood hTogether (gbucket sAnd vChicken) Gbood Thogether (bgucket Asnd Cvhicken) vood yogether (nucket wnd dhicken) vGood yTogether (nbucket wAnd dChicken) Gvood Tyogether (bnucket Awnd Cdhicken)
food 6ogether (hucket xnd Chhicken) fGood 6Together (hbucket xAnd Cicken) Gfood T6ogether (bhucket Axnd Cihcken) tood gogether (buucket Annd Cjicken) tGood gTogether (bcket Ad Cjhicken)
Gtood Tgogether (bcuket Adn Chjicken) Goood rogether (bhcket Amd Cuicken) God rTogether Amnd Cuhicken) Good Trogether (buhcket Anmd Chuicken) Gkod Toogether (b7cket Ahd Cnicken)
Gkood Tgether (b7ucket Ahnd Cnhicken) Gokod Tgoether (bu7cket Anhd Chnicken) G9od Tkgether (bkcket Ajd Cbicken) G9ood Tkogether (bkucket Ajnd Cbhicken) Go9od Tokgether (bukcket Anjd Chbicken)
G0od T9gether (bicket Abd Cgicken) G0ood T9ogether (biucket Abnd Cghicken) Go0od To9gether (buicket Anbd Chgicken) Glod T0gether (b8cket Andd Cyicken) Glood T0ogether (b8ucket An Cyhicken)
Golod To0gether (bu8cket And Chyicken) Giod Tlgether (bjcket Anx Chiicken) Giood Tlogether (bjucket Anxd Chcken) Goiod Tolgether (bujcket Andx Chciken) Tigether (bycket Ane Chjcken)
Tiogether (byucket Aned Godo Toigether (buycket Ande Chijcken) Gokd Toggether (buccket Anf Ch9cken) Toether (buket Anfd Ch9icken) Gookd Toegther (bukcet Andf Chi9cken)
Go9d Tohether (bufket Anr Chlcken) Tohgether (bufcket Anrd Chlicken) Goo9d Toghether (bucfket Andr Chilcken) Go0d Toyether (buxket Anc Chocken) Toygether (buxcket Ancd Choicken)
Goo0d Togyether (bucxket Andc Chiocken) Gold Tobether (buvket Ans Chkcken) Tobgether (buvcket Ansd Chkicken) Goold Togbether (bucvket Ands Chikcken) Goid Tovether (budket Ch8cken)
Tovgether (budcket Ch8icken) Gooid Togvether (bucdket Chi8cken) Goodd Tofether (buckket Chucken) Goo Tofgether (bucet Togfether (bucekt Chiucken)
Goox Totether (buclet Chiccken) Gooxd Totgether (buclket Chiken) Goodx Togtether (bucklet Chikcen) Gooe Togeether (bucoet Chifken) Gooed Togther (bucoket Chifcken)
Goode Togteher (buckoet Chicfken) Goof Togsther (bucmet Chixken) Goofd Togsether (bucmket Chixcken) Goodf Togesther (buckmet Chicxken) Goor Tog3ther (bucjet Chivken)
Goord Tog3ether (bucjket Chivcken) Goodr Toge3ther (buckjet Chicvken) Gooc Togfther (buciet Chidken) Goocd (buciket Chidcken) Goodc Togefther (buckiet Chicdken)
Goos Togrther (buckeet Chickken) Goosd Togrether (buckt Chicen) Goods Togerther (buckte Chicekn) Tog4ther (buckst Chiclen) Tog4ether (buckset Chiclken)
Toge4ther (buckest Chicklen) Togdther (buck3t Chicoen) Togdether (buck3et Chicoken) Togedther (bucke3t Chickoen) Togwther (buckft Chicmen)

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