She Sells

The rainbows only...
Black and white!

I'm always right
This painting is picturesque
Everything is seemless and quaint
Or could i be wrong?

Like alice saw the rabbit
I saw it for the first time--
This pattern ahs veered, This rhyme is wrong
Untill i realise...

The Rainbows only...
Black and white.

What once was nice has now dissolved
The greastest myth of anger solved
I dont like it, im transfixed by it
Dont start something unless you stick by it

The rainbows only

The greatest plan, a clan of man
sitting waiting in the corner
Cold and shaking, wrapped in distaste
Shameful nods, this party a waste

So the rainbows only Black And White!!
Black and white!!!

Do you choose this fate of type?
Followed whats mimed, the guidelines of time
So is your rainbow black and white?
Do you go gently into night?

Not what it seems!!

Black and White!!!

Mirror lyrics:

Black and White!!!

Not what it seems!!

Do you go gently into night?
So is your rainbow black and white?
Followed whats mimed, the guidelines of time
Do you choose this fate of type?

Black and white!!!
So the rainbows only Black And White!!

Shameful nods, this party a waste
Cold and shaking, wrapped in distaste
sitting waiting in the corner
The greatest plan, a clan of man

The rainbows only

Dont start something unless you stick by it
I dont like it, im transfixed by it
The greastest myth of anger solved
What once was nice has now dissolved

Black and white.
The Rainbows only...

Untill i realise...
This pattern ahs veered, This rhyme is wrong
I saw it for the first time--
Like alice saw the rabbit

Or could i be wrong?
Everything is seemless and quaint
This painting is picturesque
I'm always right

Black and white!
The rainbows only...

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Rgainbows tainbows tRainbows Rtainbows 5ainbows 5Rainbows R5ainbows fainbows fRainbows Rfainbows eainbows
eRainbows Reainbows Raainbows Rinbows Rianbows Rzinbows Rzainbows Razinbows Rqinbows Rqainbows Raqinbows
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