I'm Getting Used To You
Wasn't like me to fall in love
That's just the way that I was
But now, when I feel you holding me
Something inside just tells me
You've gotten to this heart of mine
And I know it's true, 'cause darlin'
I'm...darlin', I'm starting to find.

I'm getting used to you
Ooo...and I'm loving every single thing about you
I'm getting used to you
And I could never get used to living without you
Ah ah...

Didn't think that a love could mean that much
But you sure changed my mind with your touch
Never knew that my heart could need you so
Now I know that these arms can't let you go
No, they wouldn't even try
'Cause I'm sure that you're the one that I...
Oh, one that I need in my life.

Repeat Chorus


You've gotten to this heart of mine
And I know it's true, 'cause darlin' I
Oh darlin', I'm startin' to find
You're the one I need in my life.

Ad Lib Chorus To Fade

Mirror lyrics:

Ad Lib Chorus To Fade

You're the one I need in my life.
Oh darlin', I'm startin' to find
And I know it's true, 'cause darlin' I
You've gotten to this heart of mine


Repeat Chorus

Oh, one that I need in my life.
'Cause I'm sure that you're the one that I...
No, they wouldn't even try
Now I know that these arms can't let you go
Never knew that my heart could need you so
But you sure changed my mind with your touch
Didn't think that a love could mean that much

Ah ah...
And I could never get used to living without you
I'm getting used to you
Ooo...and I'm loving every single thing about you
I'm getting used to you

I'm...darlin', I'm starting to find.
And I know it's true, 'cause darlin'
You've gotten to this heart of mine
Something inside just tells me
But now, when I feel you holding me
That's just the way that I was
Wasn't like me to fall in love

Relevant Tags:
II'm GGetting UUsed TTo YYou 'm etting sed o ou 'Im eGtting sUed oT oYu j'm hetting hsed fo gou jI'm hGetting hUsed fTo gYou Ij'm Ghetting Uhsed Tfo Ygou
9'm yetting 7sed 5o hou 9I'm yGetting 7Used 5To hYou I9'm Gyetting U7sed T5o Yhou l'm betting ksed ho 6ou lI'm bGetting kUsed hTo 6You Il'm Gbetting Uksed Tho Y6ou
o'm vetting ised yo uou oI'm vGetting iUsed yTo uYou Io'm Gvetting Uised Tyo Yuou k'm fetting 8sed 6o 7ou kI'm fGetting 8Used 6To 7You Ik'm Gfetting U8sed T6o Y7ou
8'm tetting jsed go jou 8I'm tGetting jUsed gTo jYou I8'm Gtetting Ujsed Tgo Yjou u'm Geetting ysed ro tou uI'm Gtting yUsed rTo tYou Iu'm Gteting Uysed Tro Ytou
I''m Gstting Ussed Too Yoou Im Gsetting Ued T Yu Im' Gestting Uesd To Yuo I'mm G3tting Uzed Tk Yku I' G3etting Uzsed Tko Ykou I'm Ge3tting Uszed Tok Yoku
I'j Gftting Uwed T9 Y9u I'jm Uwsed T9o Y9ou I'mj Geftting Uswed To9 Yo9u I'k Grtting Uded T0 Y0u I'km Gretting Udsed T0o Y0ou I'mk Gertting Usded To0 Yo0u
I'n G4tting Ueed Tl Ylu I'nm G4etting Uesed Tlo Ylou I'mn Ge4tting Useed Tol Yolu Gdtting Uxed Ti Yiu Gdetting Uxsed Tio Yiou Gedtting Usxed Toi Yoiu
Gwtting Uaed Youu Gwetting Uased Yo Gewtting Usaed You Gettting Yoh Geting Usd Yohu Getting Usde Youh
Gefting Ussd Yo7 Yo7u Getfting Usesd You7 Ge5ting Us3d Yok Ge5tting Us3ed Get5ting Use3d Youk
Gehting Usfd Yoi Gehtting Usfed Gethting Usefd Youi Geyting Usrd Yo8 Geytting Usred Yo8u Getyting Userd You8
Ge6ting Us4d Yoj Ge6tting Us4ed Yoju Get6ting Use4d Youj Gegting Usdd Yoy Gegtting Yoyu Getgting Usedd Youy
Gerting Uswd Getrting Usewd

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