For The Longest Time

Would you wait if I came running home to you?
Or if I moved right down the street a block or two?
Distance is never on my side
It only seems to make our dreams collide
And you have gone on to someone new

Would you wait if I wrote you a perfect song tonight?
To make your heart stand still and make your chest grow tight
But I'll never write a perfect line
And I don't even know why I waste my time and try, whoa

And for the longest time
I couldn't love her to save my life
Never a moment of peace in my mind, yeah
Cause in the longest line
The front and the back are the same sometimes
And taking a number has taken my time, whoa

And there are things I know that I don't have the patience for
And when I go to my room I leave an open door
Cause I can't stand to feel alone
And when you come around I'm feeling more at home, whoa

And for the longest time
I couldn't love her to save my life
Never a moment of peace in my mind, yeah
Cause in the longest line
The front and the back are the same sometimes
And taking a number has taken my time, whoa

Don't pass me by
Give me another chance tonight
To make your heavy heart so light that you can fly
Cause every time
I see the light behind your eyes
The whole thing catches me in a moment by surprise

And for the longest time
I couldn't love her to save my life
Never a moment of peace in my mind, yeah
Cause in the longest line
The front and the back are the same sometimes
And taking a number has taken my time, whoa, whoa

And for the longest time
I couldn't love her to save my life
Never a moment of peace in my mind, whoa
(Don't pass me by)
Yeah, cause in the longest line
The front and the back are the same sometimes
And taking a number has taken my time, whoa
(Don't pass me by)

And for the longest time
I couldn't love her to save my life
Never a moment of peace in my mind, whoa
(Don't pass me by)
Yeah, cause in the longest line
The front and the back are the same sometimes
And taking a number has taken my time, whoa
(Don't pass me by)

And for the longest time
I couldn't love her to save my life
Never a moment of peace in my mind, whoa

Mirror lyrics:

Never a moment of peace in my mind, whoa
I couldn't love her to save my life
And for the longest time

(Don't pass me by)
And taking a number has taken my time, whoa
The front and the back are the same sometimes
Yeah, cause in the longest line
(Don't pass me by)
Never a moment of peace in my mind, whoa
I couldn't love her to save my life
And for the longest time

(Don't pass me by)
And taking a number has taken my time, whoa
The front and the back are the same sometimes
Yeah, cause in the longest line
(Don't pass me by)
Never a moment of peace in my mind, whoa
I couldn't love her to save my life
And for the longest time

And taking a number has taken my time, whoa, whoa
The front and the back are the same sometimes
Cause in the longest line
Never a moment of peace in my mind, yeah
I couldn't love her to save my life
And for the longest time

The whole thing catches me in a moment by surprise
I see the light behind your eyes
Cause every time
To make your heavy heart so light that you can fly
Give me another chance tonight
Don't pass me by

And taking a number has taken my time, whoa
The front and the back are the same sometimes
Cause in the longest line
Never a moment of peace in my mind, yeah
I couldn't love her to save my life
And for the longest time

And when you come around I'm feeling more at home, whoa
Cause I can't stand to feel alone
And when I go to my room I leave an open door
And there are things I know that I don't have the patience for

And taking a number has taken my time, whoa
The front and the back are the same sometimes
Cause in the longest line
Never a moment of peace in my mind, yeah
I couldn't love her to save my life
And for the longest time

And I don't even know why I waste my time and try, whoa
But I'll never write a perfect line
To make your heart stand still and make your chest grow tight
Would you wait if I wrote you a perfect song tonight?

And you have gone on to someone new
It only seems to make our dreams collide
Distance is never on my side
Or if I moved right down the street a block or two?
Would you wait if I came running home to you?

Relevant Tags:
FFor TThe LLongest TTime or he ongest ime oFr hTe oLngest iTme cor fhe kongest fime cFor fThe kLongest fTime Fcor Tfhe Lkongest Tfime
ror 5he oongest 5ime rFor 5The oLongest 5Time Fror T5he Loongest T5ime gor hhe pongest hime gFor hThe pLongest hTime Fgor Thhe Lpongest Thime
tor yhe yime tFor yThe Lngest yTime Ftor Tyhe Lnogest Tyime vor 6he Lkngest 6ime vFor 6The 6Time Fvor T6he Lokngest T6ime
dor ghe L9ngest gime dFor gThe L9ongest gTime Fdor Tghe Lo9ngest Tgime Foor rhe L0ngest rime Fr rThe L0ongest rTime Fro Trhe Lo0ngest Trime
Fkr Llngest Tiime Fkor Te Llongest Tme Fokr Teh Lolngest Tmie F9r Tje Lingest Tjme F9or Tjhe Liongest Tjime Fo9r Thje Loingest Tijme
F0r Tue Lonngest T9me F0or Tuhe Logest T9ime Fo0r Thue Lognest Ti9me Flr Tne Lomgest Tlme Flor Tnhe Lomngest Tlime Folr Thne Lonmgest Tilme
Fir Tbe Lohgest Tome Fior Tbhe Lohngest Toime Foir Thbe Lonhgest Tiome Forr Tge Lojgest Tkme Fo Lojngest Tkime For Thge Lonjgest Tikme
Fod Tye Lobgest T8me Fodr Lobngest T8ime Ford Thye Lonbgest Ti8me Fo4 Thee Longgest Tume Fo4r Th Lonest Tuime For4 The Lonegst Tiume
Fog Ths Lonhest Timme Fogr Thse Tie Forg Thes Longhest Tiem Fot Th3 Lonyest Tije Fotr Th3e Lonygest Fort The3 Longyest Timje
Fo5 Thf Lonbest Tike Fo5r Thfe For5 Thef Longbest Timke Fof Thr Lonvest Tine Fofr Thre Lonvgest Tinme Forf Ther Longvest Timne
Foe Th4 Lonfest Timee Foer Th4e Lonfgest Tim Fore The4 Longfest Time

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