Sherrie Austin
All That Matters

I don't care about
These old socks I'm wearing
With holes in the toes
I don't mind these
Worn out coat hangers
Hanging up my clothes
And I don't care that
The phone ain't ringing
I ain't scared to be alone
And I don't sit around
And worry 'bout where
Time and money goes

All that matters baby is I got you
And all of this love
All that matters baby is I got you
And that's more than enough
More than enough

I don't mind that
Some past loves didn't
Handle me with care
And I don't waste time talking
Politics or religion
It don't get me anywhere
Between fast food
And miracle diets
I stay as healthy as I can
And these days I'm proud that
I was born a woman
And made to love a man

All that matters baby is I got you
And all of this love
All that matters baby is I got you
And that's more than enough
More than enough

Despite all the foolish things I've done
And the foolish things I'll probably do
I'll go down a genius for loving you

All that matters baby is I got you
And all of this love
All that matters baby is I got you
And that's more than enough
More than enough

Mirror lyrics:

More than enough
And that's more than enough
All that matters baby is I got you
And all of this love
All that matters baby is I got you

I'll go down a genius for loving you
And the foolish things I'll probably do
Despite all the foolish things I've done

More than enough
And that's more than enough
All that matters baby is I got you
And all of this love
All that matters baby is I got you

And made to love a man
I was born a woman
And these days I'm proud that
I stay as healthy as I can
And miracle diets
Between fast food
It don't get me anywhere
Politics or religion
And I don't waste time talking
Handle me with care
Some past loves didn't
I don't mind that

More than enough
And that's more than enough
All that matters baby is I got you
And all of this love
All that matters baby is I got you

Time and money goes
And worry 'bout where
And I don't sit around
I ain't scared to be alone
The phone ain't ringing
And I don't care that
Hanging up my clothes
Worn out coat hangers
I don't mind these
With holes in the toes
These old socks I'm wearing
I don't care about

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qAll 5That kMatters Aqll T5hat Mkatters sll hhat natters sAll hThat nMatters Asll Thhat Mnatters wll yhat Maatters wAll yThat Mtters
Awll Tyhat Mtaters xll 6hat Mztters xAll 6That Mzatters Axll T6hat Maztters Alll ghat Mqtters Al gThat Mqatters All Tghat Maqtters
Akl rhat Mstters Akll rThat Msatters Alkl Trhat Mastters Aol Mwtters Aoll Tat Mwatters Alol Taht Mawtters Apl Tjat Mxtters
Apll Tjhat Mxatters Alpl Thjat Maxtters Tuat Mattters Tuhat Maters Thuat Matters Alk Tnat Mafters Tnhat Maftters
Allk Thnat Matfters Alo Tbat Ma5ters Tbhat Ma5tters Allo Thbat Mat5ters Alp Tgat Mahters Mahtters Allp Thgat Mathters
Tyat Mayters Maytters Thyat Matyters Thaat Ma6ters Tht Ma6tters Thta Mat6ters Thzt Magters
Thzat Magtters Thazt Matgters Thqt Marters Thqat Martters Thaqt Matrters Thst Thsat
Thast Matetrs Thwt Matfers Thwat Thawt Mattfers Thxt Mat5ers Thxat Thaxt Matt5ers
Thatt Mathers

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