Can't Buy Me Love

Can't buy me love, love
Can't buy me love.

I'll buy you a diamond ring my friend
If it makes you feel all right
I'll get you anything my friend
If it makes you feel all right
'Cause I don't care too much for money
For money can't buy me love.

I'll give you all I've got to give
If you say you love me too
I may not have a lot to give
But what I've got I'll give to you
For I don't care too much for money
For money can't buy me love.

Can't buy me love
Everybody tells me so
Can't buy me love
No, no, no.

Say you don't need no diamond ring
And I'll be satisfied
Tell me that you want those kind of things
That money just can't buy
For I don't care too much for money
For money can't buy me love.

--- Instrumental ---

Can't buy me love
Everybody tells me so
Can't buy me love
No, no, no.

Say you don't need no diamond ring
And I'll be satisfied
Tell me that you want those kind of things
that money just can't buy
I don't care too much for money
For money can't buy me love.

Can't buy me love, love
Can't buy me love,

Love, love
Can't buy me love...

Mirror lyrics:

Can't buy me love...
Love, love

Can't buy me love,
Can't buy me love, love

For money can't buy me love.
I don't care too much for money
that money just can't buy
Tell me that you want those kind of things
And I'll be satisfied
Say you don't need no diamond ring

No, no, no.
Can't buy me love
Everybody tells me so
Can't buy me love

--- Instrumental ---

For money can't buy me love.
For I don't care too much for money
That money just can't buy
Tell me that you want those kind of things
And I'll be satisfied
Say you don't need no diamond ring

No, no, no.
Can't buy me love
Everybody tells me so
Can't buy me love

For money can't buy me love.
For I don't care too much for money
But what I've got I'll give to you
I may not have a lot to give
If you say you love me too
I'll give you all I've got to give

For money can't buy me love.
'Cause I don't care too much for money
If it makes you feel all right
I'll get you anything my friend
If it makes you feel all right
I'll buy you a diamond ring my friend

Can't buy me love.
Can't buy me love, love

Relevant Tags:
CCan't BBuy MMe LLove an't uy e ove aCn't uBy eM oLve fan't vuy je kove fCan't vBuy jMe kLove Cfan't Bvuy Mje Lkove
xan't guy ke oove xCan't gBuy kMe oLove Cxan't Bguy Mke Loove van't nuy ne pove vCan't nBuy nMe pLove Cvan't Bnuy Mne Lpove
dan't huy Mee dCan't hBuy M Lve Cdan't Bhuy Me Lvoe Caan't Buuy Ms Lkve Cn't By Mse Cna't Byu Mes Lokve
Czn't Bhy M3 L9ve Czan't M3e L9ove Cazn't Buhy Me3 Lo9ve Cqn't B7y Mf L0ve Cqan't B7uy Mfe L0ove Caqn't Bu7y Mef Lo0ve
Csn't Bky Mr Llve Csan't Bkuy Mre Llove Casn't Buky Mer Lolve Cwn't Biy M4 Live Cwan't Biuy M4e Liove Cawn't Buiy Me4 Loive
Cxn't B8y Md Lovve B8uy Mde Loe Caxn't Bu8y Med Loev Cann't Bjy Mw Lobe Ca't Bjuy Mwe Lobve Ca'nt Bujy Mew Lovbe
Cam't Byy Loce

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