Message Of The Bhagavat

Concealed revealed a solution a revolution without bloodshed
finally. Disciplic succsesion has placed in my possession
Complete so sweet a satisfying taste for an empty race
There's a fire in the city a fool won't admit it and only
A fool will sit right in it
Truth has been spoken for all mankind and if you search for peace
Then you can find
The blind will stay blind if they're inclined but the wise will
Apply in this crucial time
In illusion in confusion the world's greatest brain's create more
Problems not solutions
Expand our bold stand there can be hope for modern man!

It's the message of the Bhagavat

History of the universe 18,000 verses for our edification
I sat like an ass in class for fourteen years at last I got some real
Extinguishing the fire of our workday life that burns and burns
Us untill we break
Illuminating rejuvinating not degenerating giving shelter to the
People who want truth
Truth has been spoken for all mankind and it's a sad mad world
When you can find
Man confined to the grind and they don't even mind to be working
For some jerk and leave their life behind
In illusion in confusion and don't think there won't be any
Expand our bold stand there can be hope for modern man!

Mirror lyrics:

Expand our bold stand there can be hope for modern man!
In illusion in confusion and don't think there won't be any
For some jerk and leave their life behind
Man confined to the grind and they don't even mind to be working
When you can find
Truth has been spoken for all mankind and it's a sad mad world
People who want truth
Illuminating rejuvinating not degenerating giving shelter to the
Us untill we break
Extinguishing the fire of our workday life that burns and burns
I sat like an ass in class for fourteen years at last I got some real
History of the universe 18,000 verses for our edification

It's the message of the Bhagavat

Expand our bold stand there can be hope for modern man!
Problems not solutions
In illusion in confusion the world's greatest brain's create more
Apply in this crucial time
The blind will stay blind if they're inclined but the wise will
Then you can find
Truth has been spoken for all mankind and if you search for peace
A fool will sit right in it
There's a fire in the city a fool won't admit it and only
Complete so sweet a satisfying taste for an empty race
finally. Disciplic succsesion has placed in my possession
Concealed revealed a solution a revolution without bloodshed

Relevant Tags:
MMessage OOf TThe BBhagavat essage f he hagavat eMssage fO hTe hBagavat jessage kf fhe vhagavat jMessage kOf fThe vBhagavat Mjessage Okf Tfhe Bvhagavat
kessage 9f 5he ghagavat kMessage 9Of 5The gBhagavat Mkessage O9f T5he Bghagavat nessage 0f hhe nhagavat nMessage 0Of hThe nBhagavat Mnessage O0f Thhe Bnhagavat
Meessage lf yhe hhagavat Mssage lOf yThe hBhagavat Msesage Olf Tyhe Bhhagavat Msssage if 6he Msessage iOf 6The Bagavat Messsage Oif T6he Bahgavat
M3ssage Off ghe Bjagavat M3essage O gThe Bjhagavat Me3ssage Of Tghe Bhjagavat Mfssage Oc rhe Buagavat Mfessage Ocf rThe Buhagavat Mefssage Ofc Trhe Bhuagavat
Mrssage Or Bnagavat Mressage Orf Te Merssage Ofr Teh Bhnagavat M4ssage Og Tje Bbagavat M4essage Ogf Tjhe Bbhagavat Me4ssage Ofg Thje Bhbagavat
Mdssage Ot Tue Bgagavat Mdessage Otf Tuhe Medssage Oft Thue Bhgagavat Mwssage Ov Tne Byagavat Mwessage Ovf Tnhe Byhagavat Mewssage Ofv Thne Bhyagavat
Od Tbe Bhaagavat Mesage Odf Tbhe Bhgavat Message Ofd Thbe Bhgaavat Mezsage Tge Bhzgavat Mezssage Bhzagavat Meszsage Thge Bhazgavat
Mewsage Tye Bhqgavat Bhqagavat Meswsage Thye Bhaqgavat Medsage Thee Bhsgavat Th Bhsagavat Mesdsage The Bhasgavat
Meesage Ths Bhwgavat Thse Bhwagavat Mesesage Thes Bhawgavat Mexsage Th3 Bhxgavat Mexssage Th3e Bhxagavat Mesxsage The3 Bhaxgavat
Measage Thf Bhaggavat Meassage Thfe Bhaavat Mesasage Thef Bhaagvat Thr Bhahavat Thre Bhahgavat Mesasge Ther Bhaghavat
Meszage Th4 Bhayavat Th4e Bhaygavat Messzage The4 Bhagyavat Meswage Thd Bhabavat Thde Bhabgavat Messwage Thed Bhagbavat
Mesdage Thw Bhavavat Thwe Bhavgavat Messdage Thew Bhagvavat Meseage Bhafavat Bhafgavat Messeage Bhagfavat
Mesxage Bhatavat Bhatgavat

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