Shelby Lynne
Talkin' To Myself Again

Good mornin', darlin'
Can I bring you some coffee in bed?
Did you sleep well?
We got a full day ahead
I love you too dear, I love you too

Talkin' to myself again
Ever since he left, that's how it's been
Goin' crazy, playin' just pretend that everything is still ok
Talkin' to myself again
Without his lovin' I am at loose ends
If I'm not careful they will have to send someone to lock me away

Good night honey
Sure had a beautiful day
Ain't we lucky to have each other this way
I'm so happy too, dear
So happy too

Talkin' to myself again
Ever since he left, that's how it's been
Goin' crazy, playin' just pretend that everything is still ok
Talkin' to myself again
Without his lovin' I am at loose ends
If I'm not careful they will have to send someone to lock me away
Talkin' to myself again

Mirror lyrics:

Talkin' to myself again
If I'm not careful they will have to send someone to lock me away
Without his lovin' I am at loose ends
Talkin' to myself again
Goin' crazy, playin' just pretend that everything is still ok
Ever since he left, that's how it's been
Talkin' to myself again

So happy too
I'm so happy too, dear
Ain't we lucky to have each other this way
Sure had a beautiful day
Good night honey

If I'm not careful they will have to send someone to lock me away
Without his lovin' I am at loose ends
Talkin' to myself again
Goin' crazy, playin' just pretend that everything is still ok
Ever since he left, that's how it's been
Talkin' to myself again

I love you too dear, I love you too
We got a full day ahead
Did you sleep well?
Can I bring you some coffee in bed?
Good mornin', darlin'

Relevant Tags:
TTalkin' TTo MMyself AAgain alkin' o yself gain aTlkin' oT yMself gAain falkin' fo jyself zgain fTalkin' fTo jMyself zAgain Tfalkin' Tfo Mjyself Azgain
5alkin' 5o kyself qgain 5Talkin' 5To kMyself qAgain T5alkin' T5o Mkyself Aqgain halkin' ho nyself sgain hTalkin' hTo nMyself sAgain Thalkin' Tho Mnyself Asgain
yalkin' yo Myyself wgain yTalkin' yTo Mself wAgain Tyalkin' Tyo Msyelf Awgain 6alkin' 6o Mgself xgain 6Talkin' 6To Mgyself xAgain T6alkin' T6o Mygself Axgain
galkin' go Mhself Aggain gTalkin' gTo Mhyself Aain Tgalkin' Tgo Myhself Aagin ralkin' ro M6self Ahain rTalkin' rTo M6yself Ahgain Tralkin' Tro My6self Aghain
Taalkin' Too Muself Ayain Tlkin' T Muyself Aygain Tlakin' To Myuself Agyain Tzlkin' Tk M7self Abain Tzalkin' Tko M7yself Abgain Tazlkin' Tok My7self Agbain
Tqlkin' T9 Mjself Avain Tqalkin' T9o Avgain Taqlkin' To9 Myjself Agvain Tslkin' T0 Mtself Afain Tsalkin' T0o Mtyself Afgain Taslkin' To0 Mytself Agfain
Twlkin' Tl Mysself Atain Twalkin' Tlo Myelf Atgain Tawlkin' Tol Myeslf Agtain Txlkin' Ti Myzelf Agaain Txalkin' Tio Myzself Agin Taxlkin' Toi Myszelf Agian
Tallkin' Mywelf Agzin Takin' Mywself Agzain Taklin' Myswelf Agazin Takkin' Mydelf Agqin Taklkin' Mydself Agqain Talkkin' Mysdelf Agaqin
Taokin' Myeelf Agsin Taolkin' Myeself Agsain Talokin' Myseelf Agasin Tapkin' Myxelf Agwin Taplkin' Myxself Agwain Talpkin' Mysxelf Agawin
Myaelf Agxin

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