Shelby Lynne
One With The Sun

One with the sun, you and me
One with the sun, livin' is free
I got you now, won't let you go
Tomorrow's a memory we'll never know

One with the sun, I'm listenin' to you
One as the sun, I hear what you say
I love you so much, you are the way it is

The planets are the stars
I think they are your eyes
And all of the stars will always be ours
We'll always be one with the sun

Because we are one with the sun
And we've just begun, there's another sun
Sun is on its way and we'll be one with the sun

Mirror lyrics:

Sun is on its way and we'll be one with the sun
And we've just begun, there's another sun
Because we are one with the sun

We'll always be one with the sun
And all of the stars will always be ours
I think they are your eyes
The planets are the stars

I love you so much, you are the way it is
One as the sun, I hear what you say
One with the sun, I'm listenin' to you

Tomorrow's a memory we'll never know
I got you now, won't let you go
One with the sun, livin' is free
One with the sun, you and me

Relevant Tags:
OOne WWith TThe SSun ne ith he un nOe iWth hTe uSn kne aith fhe zun kOne aWith fThe zSun Okne Waith Tfhe Szun 9ne 3ith 5he wun
9One 3With 5The wSun O9ne W3ith T5he Swun 0ne dith hhe dun 0One dWith hThe dSun O0ne Wdith Thhe Sdun lne eith yhe eun lOne eWith yThe eSun
Olne Weith Tyhe Seun ine sith 6he xun iOne sWith 6The xSun Oine Wsith T6he Sxun Onne 2ith ghe aun Oe 2With gThe aSun Oen W2ith Tghe Saun
Ome qith rhe Suun Omne qWith rThe Sn Onme Wqith Trhe Snu Ohe Wiith Shn Ohne Wth Te Shun Onhe Wtih Teh Suhn Oje Wjth Tje S7n
Ojne Wjith Tjhe S7un Onje Wijth Thje Su7n Obe W9th Tue Skn Obne W9ith Tuhe Skun Onbe Wi9th Thue Sukn Onee Wlth Tne Sin On Wlith Tnhe Siun
One Wilth Thne Suin Ons Woth Tbe S8n Onse Woith Tbhe S8un Ones Wioth Thbe Su8n On3 Wkth Tge Sjn On3e Wkith Sjun One3 Wikth Thge Sujn
Onf W8th Tye Syn Onfe W8ith Syun Onef Wi8th Thye Suyn

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