Letters To April

If I start writing you a letter tonight
I'll be writing for hours
It doesn't seem like I can say anything
Unless it's everything.
If it could ever find its way to an envelope
It won't find its way to you
You're a million miles away.
It always seemed that way when
You weren't at arms length
There were some things that I wanted to tell you
And wanted to say
But I couldn't find you
And I couldn't find a way
So how in the world did everything go wrong?

I won't fall asleep tonight
As hard as I look
I won't find you in my arms
I was almost sure you were supposed to be there
I locked you inside of my chest
Two years ago
And I'm not letting you out.
I just thought that you should know.

All the things I thought were everything
I'm scared weren't anything.
Separation is such a relentless ache
The thoughts of you streaming
Each one more beautiful than the one before
And I'm asking myself
How could I've been better for you?

Listening for your voice
To break the silence that goes on forever
I'm not sure I told you enough
You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
I'm sure if I look hard enough
I'll find you pressed against me in my arms,
Lips on your neck, You're voice
Promising me that you'll always love me

PS I'll always love you and I'm scared of hurting you.

Mirror lyrics:

PS I'll always love you and I'm scared of hurting you.

Promising me that you'll always love me
Lips on your neck, You're voice
I'll find you pressed against me in my arms,
I'm sure if I look hard enough
You're the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
I'm not sure I told you enough
To break the silence that goes on forever
Listening for your voice

How could I've been better for you?
And I'm asking myself
Each one more beautiful than the one before
The thoughts of you streaming
Separation is such a relentless ache
I'm scared weren't anything.
All the things I thought were everything

I just thought that you should know.
And I'm not letting you out.
Two years ago
I locked you inside of my chest
I was almost sure you were supposed to be there
I won't find you in my arms
As hard as I look
I won't fall asleep tonight

So how in the world did everything go wrong?
And I couldn't find a way
But I couldn't find you
And wanted to say
There were some things that I wanted to tell you
You weren't at arms length
It always seemed that way when
You're a million miles away.
It won't find its way to you
If it could ever find its way to an envelope
Unless it's everything.
It doesn't seem like I can say anything
I'll be writing for hours
If I start writing you a letter tonight

Relevant Tags:
LLetters TTo AApril etters o pril eLtters oT pAril ketters fo zpril kLetters fTo zApril Lketters Tfo Azpril oetters 5o qpril
oLetters 5To qApril Loetters T5o Aqpril petters ho spril pLetters hTo sApril Lpetters Tho Aspril Leetters yo wpril Ltters yTo wApril
Lteters Tyo Awpril Lstters 6o xpril Lsetters 6To xApril Lestters T6o Axpril L3tters go Appril L3etters gTo Aril Le3tters Tgo Arpil
Lftters ro A0ril Lfetters rTo A0pril Leftters Tro Ap0ril Lrtters Too Alril Lretters T Alpril Lertters To Aplril L4tters Tk Aoril
L4etters Tko Aopril Le4tters Tok Aporil Ldtters T9 Aprril Ldetters T9o Apil Ledtters To9 Apirl Lwtters T0 Apdil Lwetters T0o Apdril
Lewtters To0 Aprdil Lettters Tl Ap4il Leters Tlo Ap4ril Letters Tol Apr4il Lefters Ti Apgil Tio Apgril Letfters Toi Aprgil
Le5ters Aptil Le5tters Aptril Let5ters Aprtil Lehters Ap5il Lehtters Ap5ril Lethters Apr5il Leyters Apfil
Leytters Apfril Letyters Aprfil Le6ters Apeil Le6tters Aperil Let6ters Apreil Legters Apriil Legtters Aprl
Letgters Aprli Lerters Aprjl Aprjil Letrters Aprijl Apr9l Apr9il Letetrs Apri9l
Letfers Aprll Aprlil Lettfers Aprill

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