Shooter Jennings
Alligator Chomp (ballad Of Martin Luther Frog Jr)

A long time ago in a swamp far, far away

Where Louisiana meets Texas

And the snakes fall off the tree

The critters are getting restless

Getting greedy and mean

The frogs all hate the toads

Crocks all hate the gators

Ain't nobody getting along

They ain't teams, man, they just players

(Oh, no) they all hating

They don't know

They all gonna get it

(Oh, no) they all hating

They all green

They don't see

They all gonna get it

Trees fell in the river, cutting off the water to the swamp

But the critters didn't feel the tremor, chasing tails around the stump

The birds flying by could spot it from the sky but only one froggy knew

That a gator with them ol teeth could chew down trees like a piece of meat

But the frog stood on up and used a little froggy voice

"Y'all don't see we gotta get it together,
right now, we gotta make a choice"

Before the frog got his next word out all anybody saw was a gator mouth

Swallowing the froggy whole,
while the toads and the crocks all cheered about

(Oh, no) they all hating

Swamps drying out, they don't know

They all gonna get it

(Oh, no) they all hating

They don't see

They all gonna get it

Mirror lyrics:

They all gonna get it

They don't see

(Oh, no) they all hating

They all gonna get it

Swamps drying out, they don't know

(Oh, no) they all hating

while the toads and the crocks all cheered about
Swallowing the froggy whole,

Before the frog got his next word out all anybody saw was a gator mouth

right now, we gotta make a choice"
"Y'all don't see we gotta get it together,

But the frog stood on up and used a little froggy voice

That a gator with them ol teeth could chew down trees like a piece of meat

The birds flying by could spot it from the sky but only one froggy knew

But the critters didn't feel the tremor, chasing tails around the stump

Trees fell in the river, cutting off the water to the swamp

They all gonna get it

They don't see

They all green

(Oh, no) they all hating

They all gonna get it

They don't know

(Oh, no) they all hating

They ain't teams, man, they just players

Ain't nobody getting along

Crocks all hate the gators

The frogs all hate the toads

Getting greedy and mean

The critters are getting restless

And the snakes fall off the tree

Where Louisiana meets Texas

A long time ago in a swamp far, far away

Relevant Tags:
AAlligator CChomp ((ballad OOf MMartin LLuther FFrog JJr) lligator homp ballad f artin uther rog r) lAligator hComp b(allad fO aMrtin uLther rFog rJ)
zlligator fhomp (bballad kf jartin kuther crog kr) zAlligator fChomp (allad kOf jMartin kLuther cFrog kJr) Azlligator Cfhomp (abllad Okf Mjartin Lkuther Fcrog Jkr)
qlligator xhomp (vallad 9f kartin outher rrog ir) qAlligator xChomp (vballad 9Of kMartin oLuther rFrog iJr) Aqlligator Cxhomp (bvallad O9f Mkartin Louther Frrog Jir)
slligator vhomp (gallad 0f nartin puther grog mr) sAlligator vChomp (gballad 0Of nMartin pLuther gFrog mJr) Aslligator Cvhomp (bgallad O0f Mnartin Lputher Fgrog Jmr)
wlligator dhomp (nallad lf Maartin Luuther trog nr) wAlligator dChomp (nballad lOf Mrtin Lther tFrog nJr) Awlligator Cdhomp (bnallad Olf Mratin Ltuher Ftrog Jnr)
xlligator Chhomp (hallad if Mzrtin Lhther vrog hr) xAlligator Comp (hballad iOf Mzartin Lhuther vFrog hJr) Axlligator Cohmp (bhallad Oif Mazrtin Luhther Fvrog Jhr)
Allligator Cjomp (baallad Off Mqrtin L7ther drog ur) Aligator Cjhomp (bllad O Mqartin L7uther dFrog uJr) Alligator Chjomp (blalad Of Maqrtin Lu7ther Fdrog Jur)
Akligator Cuomp (bzllad Oc Msrtin Lkther Jrr) Aklligator Cuhomp (bzallad Ocf Msartin Fog J) Alkligator Chuomp (bazllad Ofc Masrtin Lukther Forg J)r
Aoligator Cnomp (bqllad Or Mwrtin Lither Fdog Jd) Aolligator Cnhomp (bqallad Orf Mwartin Liuther Jdr) Aloligator Chnomp (baqllad Ofr Mawrtin Luither Frdog Jrd)
Apligator Cbomp (bsllad Og Mxrtin L8ther F4og J4) Aplligator Cbhomp (bsallad Ogf Mxartin L8uther F4rog J4r) Alpligator Chbomp (basllad Ofg Maxrtin Lu8ther Fr4og Jr4)
Cgomp (bwllad Ot Marrtin Ljther Fgog Jg) Cghomp (bwallad Otf Matin Ljuther Jgr) Alilgator Chgomp (bawllad Oft Matrin Lujther Frgog Jrg)
Alkigator Cyomp (bxllad Ov Madtin Lyther Ftog Jt) Cyhomp (bxallad Ovf Madrtin Lyuther Jtr) Allkigator Chyomp (baxllad Ofv Mardtin Luyther Frtog Jrt)
Aloigator Choomp (balllad Od Ma4tin Lutther F5og J5) Chmp (balad Odf Ma4rtin Luher F5rog J5r) Alloigator Chmop (ballad Ofd Mar4tin Luhter Fr5og Jr5)
Alpigator Chkmp (baklad Magtin Lufher Ffog Jf) Chkomp (bakllad Magrtin Lufther Ffrog Jfr) Allpigator Chokmp (balklad Margtin Lutfher Frfog Jrf)
Alliigator Ch9mp (baolad Mattin Lu5her Feog Je) Allgator Ch9omp (baollad Matrtin Lu5ther Ferog Jer) Allgiator Cho9mp (balolad Marttin Lut5her Freog Jre)
Alljgator Ch0mp (baplad Ma5tin Luhher Froog Jr)) Alljigator Ch0omp (bapllad Ma5rtin Frg Jr Allijgator Cho0mp (balplad Mar5tin Luthher Frgo Jr)
All9gator Chlmp Maftin Luyher Frkg All9igator Chlomp Mafrtin Frkog Alli9gator Cholmp (balald Marftin Lutyher Frokg
Alllgator Chimp (balkad Maetin Lu6her Fr9g Chiomp Maertin Lu6ther Fr9og Allilgator Choimp (ballkad Maretin Lut6her Fro9g
Allogator Chommp (baload Lugher Fr0g Chop Marin Lugther Fr0og Alliogator Chopm (balload Maritn Lutgher Fro0g
Allkgator Chojp (balpad Marfin Lurher Frlg Chojmp Lurther Frlog Allikgator Chomjp (ballpad Martfin Lutrher Frolg
All8gator Chokp (ballaad Mar5in Frig All8igator (balld Luter Friog Alli8gator Chomkp (ballda Mart5in Lutehr Froig
Allugator Chonp (ballzd Marhin Lutjer Frogg Alluigator Chonmp (ballzad Marhtin Lutjher Fro Alliugator Chomnp (ballazd Marthin Luthjer Frog
Alliggator Chompp (ballqd Maryin Lutuer Froh Alliator Chom (ballqad Marytin Lutuher Frohg Alliagtor Chomp (ballaqd Martyin Luthuer Frogh
Allihator Chom0 (ballsd Mar6in Lutner Froy Allihgator Chom0p (ballsad Mar6tin Lutnher Froyg Allighator Chomp0 (ballasd Mart6in Luthner Frogy
Alliyator Choml (ballwd Margin Lutber Frob Alliygator Chomlp (ballwad Lutbher Frobg Alligyator Chompl (ballawd Martgin Luthber Frogb
Allibator Chomo (ballxd Marrin Lutger Frov Allibgator Chomop (ballxad Frovg Alligbator Chompo (ballaxd Martrin Luthger Frogv
Allivator (balladd Martiin Lutyer Frof Allivgator (balla Martn Frofg Alligvator Martni Luthyer Frogf

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