Shonen Knife
Cookie Day

Sugar sugar candy in my mouth.
stay home watch tv. a cute boy singer is singing like
a man. I have nothing to do.
it's very very hot outside.
I'm lazy in my room. I have to water the cactus on t
Rch. 'cos it needs a drink.
thinking about these kinds of things I suddenly wanted
to eat some cookies and dip them in milk.
I wanna go to the cookie shop. cookie day, cookie day, it's a beautif
Okie day. cookie day, cookie day,
it's a beautiful cookie day.
I have a postcard of a big buffalo.
I bought it during the tour.
I missed a chance to send it to you. back in north dakota. there'r
Y pretty things in life. take it easy.
let it be. I promise to send it next time to you.
really means a lot to me. thinking about these kinds
of things I suddenly wanted to eat some cookies and
Hem in milk. I wanna go to the cookie shop.
cookie day, cookie day, it's a beautiful cookie day.
cookie day, cookie day, it's a beautiful cookie day.
cookie day, cookie day, it's a beautiful coo

Ay. cookie day, cookie day, i
T's a beautiful cookie day. cookie day, cookie day, oh yeah.

Mirror lyrics:

T's a beautiful cookie day. cookie day, cookie day, oh yeah.
Ay. cookie day, cookie day, i

cookie day, cookie day, it's a beautiful coo
cookie day, cookie day, it's a beautiful cookie day.
cookie day, cookie day, it's a beautiful cookie day.
Hem in milk. I wanna go to the cookie shop.
of things I suddenly wanted to eat some cookies and
really means a lot to me. thinking about these kinds
let it be. I promise to send it next time to you.
Y pretty things in life. take it easy.
I missed a chance to send it to you. back in north dakota. there'r
I bought it during the tour.
I have a postcard of a big buffalo.
it's a beautiful cookie day.
Okie day. cookie day, cookie day,
I wanna go to the cookie shop. cookie day, cookie day, it's a beautif
to eat some cookies and dip them in milk.
thinking about these kinds of things I suddenly wanted
Rch. 'cos it needs a drink.
I'm lazy in my room. I have to water the cactus on t
it's very very hot outside.
a man. I have nothing to do.
stay home watch tv. a cute boy singer is singing like
Sugar sugar candy in my mouth.

Relevant Tags:
CCookie DDay ookie ay oCokie aDy fookie xay fCookie xDay Cfookie Dxay xookie eay xCookie eDay Cxookie Deay vookie fay vCookie fDay
Cvookie Dfay dookie ray dCookie rDay Cdookie Dray Coookie cay Cokie cDay Cookie Dcay Ckokie say Ckookie sDay Cokokie Dsay C9okie Daay
C9ookie Dy Co9okie Dya C0okie Dzy C0ookie Dzay Co0okie Dazy Clokie Dqy Clookie Dqay Colokie Daqy Ciokie Dsy Ciookie Coiokie Dasy
Dwy Dway Cokoie Dawy Cokkie Dxy Cookkie Daxy Co9kie Dayy Da Coo9kie Day Co0kie Dag Dagy Coo0kie Dayg
Colkie Dah Dahy Coolkie Dayh Coikie Da6 Da6y

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