Walking In My Shoes

Yo this one goes out to all my immigrants, you hear
Live up, don't give up

Wait a minute let me set the record straight
You need to listen for a moment or two
Hear the accent, don't get it twisted
My momma didn't raise no fool
Though you think that you got me figured out
When you really haven't got a clue
So take a lesson from this island boy
This coconut may be smarter than you so I say

Don't judge me you don't know me
Don't think I'm some small town phony
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
I'm just one out of many hailin' from a third world country
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes

Learnt my lesson from my humble beginnings
And I wouldn't have it no other way
Became a man in the street of Kingston where
Survival was the art of the day
I choose the best as my main competition
And I'm always on top of my game
So don't be blinded by my race or my gender
'Coz we're really all one in the same so I say

Don't judge me you don't know me
Don't think I'm some small town phony
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
I'm just one out of many hailin' from a third world country
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes

No I won't stop, gotta make it to the top
Hell no i won't stop, aiming for the sweet spot
Powers to the bald heads and the dread locks
Let me make it clear no we won't flop
Got a plan, got to make anyway I can
Putting in the work with my own two hands
Better check it, respect it I'm a man, I'm a West Indian

Don't judge me you don't know me
Don't think I'm some small town phony
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
I'm just one out of many hailin' from a third world country
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes

Don't judge me you don't know me
Don't think I'm some small town phony
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
I'm just one out of many hailin' from a third world country
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
Yeah, yeah, yeah

Mirror lyrics:

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
I'm just one out of many hailin' from a third world country
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
Don't think I'm some small town phony
Don't judge me you don't know me

Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
I'm just one out of many hailin' from a third world country
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
Don't think I'm some small town phony
Don't judge me you don't know me

Better check it, respect it I'm a man, I'm a West Indian
Putting in the work with my own two hands
Got a plan, got to make anyway I can
Let me make it clear no we won't flop
Powers to the bald heads and the dread locks
Hell no i won't stop, aiming for the sweet spot
No I won't stop, gotta make it to the top

Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
I'm just one out of many hailin' from a third world country
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
Don't think I'm some small town phony
Don't judge me you don't know me

'Coz we're really all one in the same so I say
So don't be blinded by my race or my gender
And I'm always on top of my game
I choose the best as my main competition
Survival was the art of the day
Became a man in the street of Kingston where
And I wouldn't have it no other way
Learnt my lesson from my humble beginnings

Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
I'm just one out of many hailin' from a third world country
Got nothing, up on me you ain't walking in my shoes
Don't think I'm some small town phony
Don't judge me you don't know me

This coconut may be smarter than you so I say
So take a lesson from this island boy
When you really haven't got a clue
Though you think that you got me figured out
My momma didn't raise no fool
Hear the accent, don't get it twisted
You need to listen for a moment or two
Wait a minute let me set the record straight

Live up, don't give up
Yo this one goes out to all my immigrants, you hear

Relevant Tags:
WWalking IIn MMy SShoes alking n y hoes aWlking nI yM hSoes aalking jn jy zhoes aWalking jIn jMy zShoes Waalking Ijn Mjy Szhoes
3alking 9n ky whoes 3Walking 9In kMy wShoes W3alking I9n Mky Swhoes dalking ln ny dhoes dWalking lIn nMy dShoes Wdalking Iln Mny Sdhoes
ealking on Myy ehoes eWalking oIn M eShoes Wealking Ion My Sehoes salking kn Mg xhoes sWalking kIn Mgy xShoes Wsalking Ikn Myg Sxhoes
2alking 8n Mh ahoes 2Walking 8In Mhy aShoes W2alking I8n Myh Sahoes qalking un M6 Shhoes qWalking uIn M6y Soes Wqalking Iun My6 Sohes
Inn Mu Sjoes Wlking I Muy Sjhoes Wlaking In Myu Shjoes Wzlking Im M7 Suoes Wzalking Imn M7y Suhoes Wazlking Inm My7 Shuoes
Wqlking Ih Mj Snoes Ihn Snhoes Waqlking Inh Myj Shnoes Wslking Ij Mt Sboes Mty Sbhoes Waslking Inj Myt Shboes
Wwlking Ib Sgoes Wwalking Ibn Sghoes Wawlking Inb Shgoes Wxlking Syoes Wxalking Syhoes Waxlking Shyoes
Wallking Shooes Waking Shes Wakling Sheos Wakking Shkes Waklking Shkoes Walkking Shokes
Waoking Sh9es Waolking Sh9oes Waloking Sho9es Wapking Sh0es Waplking Sh0oes Walpking Sho0es
Shles Waling Shloes Walikng Sholes Walling Shies Shioes

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