Shadows Fall
The Power Of I And I

We are given the gift of creation!

We are given
All of the light
And purity of the universe

We are the ones
Who will create
The snarling beasts of human nature

The world within myself
The power of I and I

True piece of mind
Is not bestowed
Upon us by the heavens.

The evils of man
Are spawned within
The confusion of our own mind.

Hiding the purity that flows
From the root of which we rose


Mirror lyrics:


From the root of which we rose
Hiding the purity that flows

The confusion of our own mind.
Are spawned within
The evils of man

Upon us by the heavens.
Is not bestowed
True piece of mind

The power of I and I
The world within myself

The snarling beasts of human nature
Who will create
We are the ones

And purity of the universe
All of the light
We are given

We are given the gift of creation!

Relevant Tags:
TThe PPower OOf II AAnd II he ower f nd hTe oPwer fO I nAd I fhe 0ower kf j znd j fThe 0Power kOf jI zAnd jI Tfhe P0ower Okf Ij Aznd Ij
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Plwer Or Ahd Te Orf Ahnd Teh Polwer Ofr Anhd Tje Piwer Og Ajd Tjhe Piower Ogf Ajnd Thje Poiwer Ofg Anjd
Tue Powwer Ot Abd Tuhe Poer Otf Abnd Thue Poewr Oft Anbd Tne Poaer Ov Andd Tnhe Poawer Ovf An Thne Powaer Ofv And
Tbe Po3er Od Anx Tbhe Po3wer Odf Anxd Thbe Pow3er Ofd Andx Tge Poder Ane Podwer Aned Thge Powder Ande
Tye Poeer Anf Poewer Anfd Thye Poweer Andf

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