Shai Hulud
Unlearned (shai Hulud Demo)

This was no upbringing. It only tore me down.
I was not taught. I was twisted.
This education is deprivation of the truth, halting my growth.

Governed in the wrong.
Schooled in churches of dissent.
A fear of everything instilled in me.
But bleeding through this involvement, I dub myself.

I unlearned what you have beat into me.

Governed in the wrong.
Schooled in churches of dissent.
A fear of every man instilled in me.
Driven in like nails.

Mirror lyrics:

Driven in like nails.
A fear of every man instilled in me.
Schooled in churches of dissent.
Governed in the wrong.

I unlearned what you have beat into me.

But bleeding through this involvement, I dub myself.
A fear of everything instilled in me.
Schooled in churches of dissent.
Governed in the wrong.

This education is deprivation of the truth, halting my growth.
I was not taught. I was twisted.
This was no upbringing. It only tore me down.

Relevant Tags:
UUnlearned ((shai HHulud DDemo) nlearned shai ulud emo) nUlearned s(hai uHlud eDmo) hnlearned (sshai julud xemo) hUnlearned (hai jHulud xDemo)
Uhnlearned (hsai Hjulud Dxemo) 7nlearned (zhai uulud eemo) 7Unlearned (zshai uHulud eDemo) U7nlearned (szhai Huulud Deemo) knlearned (whai nulud femo)
kUnlearned (wshai nHulud fDemo) Uknlearned (swhai Hnulud Dfemo) inlearned (dhai bulud remo) iUnlearned (dshai bHulud rDemo) Uinlearned (sdhai Hbulud Dremo)
8nlearned (ehai gulud cemo) 8Unlearned (eshai gHulud cDemo) U8nlearned (sehai Hgulud Dcemo) jnlearned (xhai yulud semo) jUnlearned (xshai yHulud sDemo)
Ujnlearned (sxhai Hyulud Dsemo) ynlearned (ahai yUnlearned (ashai Hlud Dmo) Uynlearned (sahai Hluud Dmeo) Unnlearned (shhai Hhlud Dsmo)
Ulearned (sai Hhulud Ulnearned (sahi Huhlud Desmo) Umlearned (sjai H7lud D3mo) Umnlearned (sjhai H7ulud D3emo) Unmlearned (shjai Hu7lud De3mo)
Uhlearned (suai Hklud Dfmo) (suhai Hkulud Unhlearned (shuai Huklud Defmo) Ujlearned (snai Hilud Drmo) (snhai Hiulud
Unjlearned (shnai Huilud Dermo) Ublearned (sbai H8lud D4mo) Ubnlearned (sbhai H8ulud D4emo) Unblearned (shbai Hu8lud De4mo) Unllearned (sgai Hjlud Ddmo)
Unearned (sghai Ddemo) Unelarned (shgai Hujlud Dedmo) Unkearned (syai Hylud Dwmo) Unklearned (syhai Dwemo) Unlkearned (shyai Huylud Dewmo)
Unoearned (shaai Hullud Demmo) Unolearned (shi Huud Deo) Unloearned (shia Huuld Deom) Unpearned (shzi Hukud Dejo) Unplearned (shzai Dejmo)
Unlpearned (shazi Hulkud Demjo) Unleearned (shqi Huoud Deko) Unlarned (shqai Huolud Dekmo) Unlaerned (shaqi Huloud Demko) Unlsarned (shsi Hupud Deno)
Unlsearned (shsai Huplud Denmo) Unlesarned (shasi Hulpud Demno) Unl3arned (shwi Huluud Demoo) Unl3earned (shwai Huld Dem) Unle3arned (shawi Huldu Dem)o
Unlfarned (shxi Hulhd Demk) Unlfearned (shxai Hulhud Unlefarned (shaxi Huluhd Demok) Unlrarned (shaii Hul7d Dem9) Unlrearned (sha Hul7ud Dem9o)
Unlerarned (shai Hulu7d Demo9) Unl4arned (shaj Hulkd Dem0) Unl4earned (shaji Dem0o) Unle4arned (shaij Hulukd Demo0) Unldarned (sha9 Hulid Deml)
Unldearned (sha9i Huliud Demlo) Unledarned (shai9 Huluid Demol) Unlwarned (shal Hul8d Demi) Unlwearned (shali Hul8ud Demio) Unlewarned (shail Hulu8d Demoi)
Unleaarned (shao Huljd Demo)) Unlerned (shaoi Huljud Demo Unleraned (shaio Hulujd Demo) Unlezrned (shak Hulyd Unlezarned (shaki Hulyud
Unleazrned (shaik Huluyd Unleqrned (sha8 Huludd Unleqarned (sha8i Hulu Unleaqrned (shai8 Hulud

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