Shakin' Stevens
School Days

Artist: Shakin' Stevens
Title: School days

Up in the mornin' and out to school
The teacher is teachin' the Golden Rule
American history and practical math
You study' em hard and hopin' to pass
Workin' your fingers right down to the bone
And the guy behind you won't leave you alone
Ring ring goes the bell
The cook in the lunchroom's ready to sell
You're lucky if you can find a seat
You're fortunate if you have time to eat
Back in the classroom open you books
Gee but the teacher don't know
How mean she looks
Soon as three o'clock rolls around
You finally lay your burden down
Close up your books, get out of your seat
Down the halls and into the street
Up to the corner and 'round the bend
Right to the juke joint you go in
*Drop the coin right into the slot
You gotta hear something that's really hot
With the one you love you're makin' romance
All day long you been
Wantin' to dance
Feelin' the music from head to toe
'Round and 'round and 'round you go
Hail, hail rock'n'roll
Deliver me from the days of old
Long live rock'n'roll
The beat of the drum is loud and bold
Rock rock rock'n'roll
The feelin' is there body and soul

Mirror lyrics:

The feelin' is there body and soul
Rock rock rock'n'roll
The beat of the drum is loud and bold
Long live rock'n'roll
Deliver me from the days of old
Hail, hail rock'n'roll
'Round and 'round and 'round you go
Feelin' the music from head to toe
Wantin' to dance
All day long you been
With the one you love you're makin' romance
You gotta hear something that's really hot
*Drop the coin right into the slot
Right to the juke joint you go in
Up to the corner and 'round the bend
Down the halls and into the street
Close up your books, get out of your seat
You finally lay your burden down
Soon as three o'clock rolls around
How mean she looks
Gee but the teacher don't know
Back in the classroom open you books
You're fortunate if you have time to eat
You're lucky if you can find a seat
The cook in the lunchroom's ready to sell
Ring ring goes the bell
And the guy behind you won't leave you alone
Workin' your fingers right down to the bone
You study' em hard and hopin' to pass
American history and practical math
The teacher is teachin' the Golden Rule
Up in the mornin' and out to school

Title: School days
Artist: Shakin' Stevens

Relevant Tags:
SSchool DDays chool ays cShool aDys zchool xays zSchool xDays Szchool Dxays wchool eays wSchool eDays Swchool Deays dchool fays
dSchool fDays Sdchool Dfays echool rays eSchool rDays Sechool Drays xchool cays xSchool cDays Sxchool Dcays achool says aSchool sDays
Sachool Dsays Scchool Daays Shool Dys Shcool Dyas Sfhool Dzys Sfchool Dzays Scfhool Dazys Sxhool Dqys Dqays Scxhool Daqys
Svhool Dsys Svchool Scvhool Dasys Sdhool Dwys Dways Scdhool Dawys Schhool Dxys Scool Scohol Daxys Scjool Dayys
Scjhool Das Schjool Dasy Scuool Dags Scuhool Dagys Schuool Daygs Scnool Dahs

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