Shakin' Stevens
Give Me Your Heart Tonight

Artist: shakin' Stevens
Title: Give me your heart tonight

Oh tonight - I'm walking the streets again

Runnin' away from all of my teasin' friends.
Oh tonight - the stars are in darkened skies

They don't hold all the love
I can see in your lonely eyes.
Cause I'm not waiting for a secret

I don't want to hear a lie.
Don't want the promise of tomorrow

Give me your heart tonight.
Too young - too young to start settling down

I'm getting too old
too old to keep running around
your love is something I don't wanna miss.
End up alone and livin' on a one night kiss.
Cause I'm not crying without reason

I'm not asking what is right.
Tust like the changin' of the season

Give me your heart tonight.
Cause I'm not waiting for a secret
. . .
Cause I'm not crying without reason
. . .
Cause I'm not crying without reason
. . .

Mirror lyrics:

. . .
Cause I'm not crying without reason
. . .
Cause I'm not crying without reason
. . .
Cause I'm not waiting for a secret
Give me your heart tonight.

Tust like the changin' of the season
I'm not asking what is right.

Cause I'm not crying without reason
End up alone and livin' on a one night kiss.
your love is something I don't wanna miss.
too old to keep running around
I'm getting too old

Too young - too young to start settling down
Give me your heart tonight.

Don't want the promise of tomorrow
I don't want to hear a lie.

Cause I'm not waiting for a secret
I can see in your lonely eyes.
They don't hold all the love

Oh tonight - the stars are in darkened skies
Runnin' away from all of my teasin' friends.

Oh tonight - I'm walking the streets again

Title: Give me your heart tonight
Artist: shakin' Stevens

Relevant Tags:
GGive MMe YYour HHeart TTonight ive e our eart onight iGve eM oYur eHart oTnight hive je gour jeart fonight hGive jMe gYour jHeart fTonight
Ghive Mje Ygour Hjeart Tfonight yive ke hour ueart 5onight yGive kMe hYour uHeart 5Tonight Gyive Mke Yhour Hueart T5onight bive ne 6our neart honight
bGive nMe 6Your nHeart hTonight Gbive Mne Y6our Hneart Thonight vive Mee uour beart yonight vGive M uYour bHeart yTonight Gvive Me Yuour Hbeart Tyonight
five Ms 7our geart 6onight fGive Mse 7Your gHeart 6Tonight Gfive Mes Y7our Hgeart T6onight tive M3 jour yeart gonight tGive M3e jYour yHeart gTonight
Gtive Me3 Yjour Hyeart Tgonight Giive Mf tour Heeart ronight Gve Mfe tYour Hart rTonight Gvie Mef Ytour Haert Tronight Gjve Mr Yoour Hsart Toonight
Gjive Mre Yur Hseart Tnight Gijve Mer Yuor Hesart Tnoight G9ve M4 Ykur H3art Tknight G9ive M4e Ykour H3eart Tkonight Gi9ve Me4 Yokur He3art Toknight
Glve Md Y9ur Hfart T9night Glive Mde Y9our Hfeart T9onight Gilve Med Yo9ur Hefart To9night Gove Mw Y0ur Hrart T0night Goive Mwe Y0our Hreart T0onight
Giove Mew Yo0ur Herart To0night Gkve Ylur H4art Tlnight Gkive Ylour H4eart Tlonight Gikve Yolur He4art Tolnight G8ve Yiur Hdart Tinight
G8ive Yiour Hdeart Tionight Gi8ve Yoiur Hedart Toinight Guve Youur Hwart Tonnight Guive Yor Hweart Toight Giuve Yoru Hewart Toinght
Givve Yohr Heaart Tomight Gie Yohur Hert Tomnight Giev Youhr Herat Tonmight Gibe Yo7r Hezrt Tohight Gibve Yo7ur Hezart Tohnight
Givbe You7r Heazrt Tonhight Gice Yokr Heqrt Tojight Gicve Heqart Tojnight Givce Youkr Heaqrt Tonjight Gige Yoir Hesrt Tobight
Gigve Tobnight Givge Youir Heasrt Tonbight Gife Yo8r Hewrt Toniight Gifve Yo8ur Tonght Givfe You8r Heawrt Tongiht
Givee Yojr Hexrt Tonjght Giv Yojur Hexart Give Youjr Heaxrt Tonijght Givs Yoyr Hearrt Ton9ght Givse Yoyur Heat Ton9ight
Gives Youyr Heatr Toni9ght Giv3 Yourr Headt Tonlght Giv3e You Headrt Tonlight Give3 Your Heardt Tonilght Givf Youd Hea4t Tonoght

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