Simple Minds
In Trance As Mission

For just one moment in time
I hear the holy back beat
Events and casual affairs
Just what is moving on
And what is going on
In dream a dream a
Courage of dreams
In trance as mission
Moving on
For just one moment in time
I want to walk where it is
Sustain a stature in life
Here comes a new type of light
Just what is going on
What is moving on
Dream a dream a
Trance as you dream
In trance as mssion
Just what is going on
What is moving on

For just one moment in time
Just one moment in time
Dream a dream a
Courage of dreams
In trance as mission
Something crashing into my life

Something crashing against white rocks
No calm to my hand
Here comes my hand
City up on my mind
What is going on
You've got to move on
Dream a dream a
Courage of dreams
In trance as mission
Living lives out of dust
Dream a dream a
Living lives

Walk on in light
I want to walk
My hands are grabbing at air
I want to walk
Dream a dream a
Courage of dreams
In trance as mission
In trance in trance

Stand by the statue in fog
Events and casual affairs
I want to walk
Heat of the day
Heat of the day....

Mirror lyrics:

Heat of the day....
Heat of the day
I want to walk
Events and casual affairs
Stand by the statue in fog

In trance in trance
In trance as mission
Courage of dreams
Dream a dream a
I want to walk
My hands are grabbing at air
I want to walk
Walk on in light

Living lives
Dream a dream a
Living lives out of dust
In trance as mission
Courage of dreams
Dream a dream a
You've got to move on
What is going on
City up on my mind
Here comes my hand
No calm to my hand
Something crashing against white rocks

Something crashing into my life
In trance as mission
Courage of dreams
Dream a dream a
Just one moment in time
For just one moment in time

What is moving on
Just what is going on
In trance as mssion
Trance as you dream
Dream a dream a
What is moving on
Just what is going on
Here comes a new type of light
Sustain a stature in life
I want to walk where it is
For just one moment in time
Moving on
In trance as mission
Courage of dreams
In dream a dream a
And what is going on
Just what is moving on
Events and casual affairs
I hear the holy back beat
For just one moment in time

Relevant Tags:
IIn TTrance AAs MMission n rance s ission nI rTance sA iMssion jn france zs jission jIn fTrance zAs jMission Ijn Tfrance Azs Mjission
9n 5rance qs kission 9In 5Trance qAs kMission I9n T5rance Aqs Mkission ln hrance ss nission lIn hTrance sAs nMission Iln Thrance Ass Mnission
on yrance ws Miission oIn yTrance wAs Mssion Ion Tyrance Aws Msision kn 6rance xs Mjssion kIn 6Trance xAs Ikn T6rance Axs Mijssion
8n grance M9ssion 8In gTrance A M9ission I8n Tgrance As Mi9ssion un rrance Az Mlssion uIn rTrance Mlission Iun Trrance Asz Milssion
Inn Aw Mossion I Tance Moission In Tarnce Asw Miossion Im Tdance Ad Mkssion Imn Tdrance Ads Inm Trdance Asd Mikssion
Ih T4ance Ae M8ssion Ihn T4rance Aes M8ission Inh Tr4ance Ase Mi8ssion Ij Tgance Ax Mussion Muission Inj Trgance Asx Miussion
Ib Ttance Aa Misssion Ibn Ttrance Aas Mision Inb Trtance Asa Mission T5ance Mizsion Mizssion Tr5ance Miszsion
Tfance Miwsion Miwssion Trfance Miswsion Teance Midsion Terance Midssion Treance Misdsion
Traance Miesion Trnce Miession Trnace Misesion Trznce Mixsion Trzance Mixssion Traznce Misxsion
Trqnce Miasion Trqance Miassion Traqnce Misasion Trsnce Trsance Trasnce Misison

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