Simple Minds
New Sunshine Morning

I tried to write this song
I tried to memorize
Such a long time ago
More than I realize

And are you bitter still
Did we not pay the price once or twice
Try to forgive me now please
Try to forget about all those lies
New sunshine morning
Blackens up my eyes
Takes me in its warmness
And put me to a side
New sunshine morning
Blackens up my eyes
Takes me in its warmness
And put me to a side
Much of the story isnt told
Can you sympathize
Seems like a lifetime ago
You tried to rid my soul
I tried to cheat on life
You tried to kill me so
Only a moment I realize
New sunshine morning
Opens up my day
Carry carry me homeward
Into another place
New sunshine morning
Opens my eyes
Carries carries me onward
Into a new sunrise
New sunshine morning

Mirror lyrics:

New sunshine morning
Into a new sunrise
Carries carries me onward
Opens my eyes
New sunshine morning
Into another place
Carry carry me homeward
Opens up my day
New sunshine morning
Only a moment I realize
You tried to kill me so
I tried to cheat on life
You tried to rid my soul
Seems like a lifetime ago
Can you sympathize
Much of the story isnt told
And put me to a side
Takes me in its warmness
Blackens up my eyes
New sunshine morning
And put me to a side
Takes me in its warmness
Blackens up my eyes
New sunshine morning
Try to forget about all those lies
Try to forgive me now please
Did we not pay the price once or twice
And are you bitter still

More than I realize
Such a long time ago
I tried to memorize
I tried to write this song

Relevant Tags:
NNew SSunshine MMorning ew unshine orning eNw uSnshine oMrning mew zunshine jorning mNew zSunshine jMorning Nmew Szunshine Mjorning
hew wunshine korning hNew wSunshine kMorning Nhew Swunshine Mkorning jew dunshine norning jNew dSunshine nMorning Njew Sdunshine Mnorning
bew eunshine Moorning bNew eSunshine Mrning Nbew Seunshine Mroning Neew xunshine Mkrning Nw xSunshine Nwe Sxunshine Mokrning
Nsw aunshine M9rning Nsew aSunshine M9orning Nesw Saunshine Mo9rning N3w Suunshine M0rning N3ew Snshine M0orning Ne3w Snushine Mo0rning
Nfw Shnshine Mlrning Nfew Shunshine Mlorning Nefw Suhnshine Molrning Nrw S7nshine Mirning Nrew S7unshine Miorning Nerw Su7nshine Moirning
N4w Sknshine Morrning N4ew Skunshine Moning Ne4w Suknshine Monring Ndw Sinshine Modning Ndew Siunshine Modrning Nedw Suinshine Mordning
Nww S8nshine Mo4ning Nwew S8unshine Mo4rning Neww Su8nshine Mor4ning Sjnshine Mogning Ne Sjunshine Mogrning New Sujnshine Morgning
Nea Synshine Motning Neaw Syunshine Motrning Newa Suynshine Mortning Ne3 Sunnshine Mo5ning Sushine Mo5rning New3 Susnhine Mor5ning
Ned Sumshine Mofning Sumnshine Mofrning Newd Sunmshine Morfning Nee Suhshine Moening Moerning Newe Sunhshine Morening
Nes Sujshine Mornning Moring News Sunjshine Morinng Ne2 Subshine Morming Ne2w Subnshine Mormning New2 Sunbshine Mornming
Neq Sunsshine Morhing Neqw Sunhine Morhning Newq Sunhsine Mornhing Sunzhine Morjing Sunzshine Morjning Sunszhine Mornjing
Sunwhine Morbing Sunwshine Morbning Sunswhine Mornbing Sundhine Morniing Sundshine Mornng Sunsdhine Mornnig
Sunehine Mornjng Suneshine Sunsehine Mornijng Sunxhine Morn9ng Sunxshine Morn9ing Sunsxhine Morni9ng
Sunahine Mornlng Sunashine Mornling

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